If they made people understand the new items were the reason for doing this, to better integrate new items into the game it would be understood why they aren't doing it for every skill all at once. It would be a bit foolish to do this for a skill only to do it again for the same skill later, knowing you're going to be adding new items for that skill later. If they said we're doing it for everything at once, and then only released it a skill at a time, then it would be clunky. If they said as the skills come out we are going to integrate them into a keyword system, people would be patiently waiting for the skills to be worked on before it was integrated into keyword searches. It would be like how they give you more bank space when a new skill comes out, you don't expect anymore bank space than is needed for that skill, you may need more bank space than is given for that skill, but that skill is not the reason for it.
In this case the skill
the reason for the keywords being integrated, and as thus it is only for the skill. Once they've gone through all the skills nothing will be lacking, but that's the way it has to be for them to do it at all. Just look at WoodCutting, Mining, and Archaeology as an example. Because you can practically keyword by typing Logs, ore, and damaged, do you say the game is clunky now? You don't and so you wouldn't if they did it for a skill at a time, you'd look at a skill and it would be a 120 skill, so you'd know because they received an influx of content particularly items, they are in need of a keyword search more than the skills that we are more familiar with and have accepted they are the way they are anyways. When something good happens, you're not supposed to look at what you don't have, you look at what you do have. If you were a glass half empty type of person, then you'd never be able to appreciate anything because you'd always be looking for what is wrong over what is right.
09-Oct-2023 15:44:11