Nubby Nubnub
I miss AJA and mrs wetlander
MrsWetlander still plays the game
I saw her online last week.
She was a great moderator - didn't seem to judge or follow gossip...
I hope she is well
And still getting a good selection of implings
Wow nick, i am truely humbled by your words and it is because of people i am honoured to call friends like you that kept me fighting, there are friends in this game and then there is mates, friends are the people that like and understand you but mates are the people that do that as well as give u shit and take the piss and can also take it back.
You Nick i am proud to call you a mate " you knob
Much love
Scouse - Full of love and has almost lost the hate he once had for this game.
There is still a little of that hate whizzing around my head but i have finally seen that not all battles need to have a winner, some are just won from the start <3
[qfc id=]whatever[/qfc]
I'd like to show my appreciation and admiration for
. This wonderful lady works around the clock to make sure that the Community Led Account Help sub-forum is taken care of. I'm impressed by her dedication to this sub-forum and I am proud to form part of it. I have learned a lot from her and I can be 100% sure that I will still keep learning.