Scape Bold
Born to Do This
Max Reidneer Variations (I know its made by someone else but...)
Medieval II
Soul Wars
Clan Wars
Bounty Hunter I, II, and III
I think thats enough
Armadyl Alliance!! (love the flute!)
26-May-2014 16:07:12
- Last edited on
26-May-2014 16:15:47
Always found Animal Apogee pleasantly soothing too
200m Dunge, Rc, Mage and invention accomplished, + 120 Constitution/Slayer/Range/Summoning/Woodcutting/Mining/Defence/Strength and 110m fishing, got comp/MQC and 200m Fishing/Woodcutting/Mining as well as 120 herb/Farming/Cooking most 120s just Agility, Theiving, Hunter and Prayer left
I would have to say the Vorago music track is by far the most epic RuneScape song I've heard, I love how the song is designed, it's not easy for me to explain what I like about a song but the way the beats change it's epic nonetheless and whoever designed the song deserves major props.
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