Sadly do not have Twitter. But I preferred a lot of the originals compared to the new ones, wish there was an option for MIDI ones still as the new ones get old fast after hearing it a bit.
Would be awesome for a bigger playlist rather than having only 12 slots
, so much constant having to add and delete makes me forget so much of the good ones, Or at least the option to not ever have tracks come on. Mainly Winding through the willows making me want to throw my laptop through the window.
Route of the Problem
Route of all evil
Alternate Root
Royal Rumble
Talking Forest
Darkness in Misthalin
Dead and Buried
Long way home
Looking back
Tzhaar Supremacy I, II, III
Waterfall I, II, III
Autumn Voyage
Scape Original
Newbie Melody
Adorno X
Castle Wars/z
DCII Mashup
Long Road
Memories of Guthix
The ruins of Camdozaal
Slice of silent movie
Something is wrong