Alex0000120, this thread has been posted for the community to share positive feedback for the Forum Moderator team. I appreciate that you are angered by what has occurred in-game but posting a complaint about the conduct of another is not welcome in the forums.
If you should find yourself in that situation again, please use the Report system to alert Jagex. Sending a report will capture a brief snapshot of all recent interaction and provides Jagex the evidence it needs to act.
As there is nothing more that can be done in the forums to resolve this matter, please refrain from posting a complaint about a specific player again.
Love for Tranquility, Tufftypower, Calm Enigma, Dibi01, HikariKnight & Ms Toxicity for being around the forums in such passionate ways.
Old forum user.
I know there aren't specific forum moderators assigned or what not (to my knowledge) to the Welcome Forums, but there are a couple that have really stood out for me and I just wanted to say a big thank you
I don't usually post but try to get hold of people in-game, but I know you three are particularly busy and I wanted others to see too! I know that other FMods have helped in the Welcome Forums and I thank
all of you for the fantastic responses and help that has been given
You have always done a great job offering a better place to post, fast response time and generally active presence all over the forums (I always manage to bump into one of your posts in some way or another) but the time and love you put into it needed to be...well.... complimented! I also wanted to say a big thank you for actually helping me to improve my posts, focussing on the small wording that makes that big difference. I always try to remember those handy tips you one gave me!
S euss
Your activity on welcome is just awesome. Always there to respond with a nice post explaining why to make sure the OP actually understands. I have to say I write a response with as much as I an think of, then you post and I think...oh yes... that too! I have learnt a lot of different sources of help and things you can add to your reply to make it more helpful just by reading yours and it has been great to see players get the help they need.
Well.... my best buddy
(Sorry Calm!
) A massive help and always willing to do more... such as help with the "Need Help? Look Here!" thread. Thanks for all the work as a general forumer as well as an FMod and for all the awesome techy work you do that I could never dream of understanding!
EDIT: Treemaid, VIP Tom and the others I have thanked in game - you lot already know how I feel! Stop being greedy for ty's