Id like to say thanks to the forum mods who rove around the ingame rping forums. Thanks guys for helping us with what we need and dealing with the worst of us.
Also like to thank all the Forum mods. Runescape is better because of you guys, so go give yourselves a pat on the back. You guys earned it.
Wish you guys the best and
Happy Easter!
“I will not say, do not weep, for not all tears are an evil.
20-Apr-2014 02:04:41
- Last edited on
20-Apr-2014 02:05:16
Thank you to S euss for her activity in the welcome forum. She is a great positive influence in there and is always considerate and helpful. The welcome forum finally has a welcoming feel to it.
Sookie Lala
Thank you to S euss for her activity in the welcome forum. She is a great positive influence in there and is always considerate and helpful. The welcome forum finally has a welcoming feel to it.
My eyes are either deceiving me or you're not at green and normal, Tree! Why?!
You was such a good Forum Moderator. We don't need to lose any more than we've already previously lost! All the best to you though, for whatever reason it may be! You did the Forum some good work.
This thread is a great read, definitely helps me when I'm in a not so good mood. RSOF, especially the General forum moves very fast - and I'm not someone that can bump threads consistently 24/7. I lost 3 longtime threads in the last 2-months, and I cannot blame anybody but myself
As a thread author, it is really frustrating to lose long time threads. Even as a forum mod, I'm powerless as well if so many spam threads pushes legitimate threads to their death. My intention is hopefully helping more with regulating RSOF, especially general forums so that regular folks there don't have to experience losing threads because of some naughty people posting garbage there.
This thread is a great read, definitely helps me when I'm in a not so good mood. RSOF, especially the General forum moves very fast - and I'm not someone that can bump threads consistently 24/7. I lost 3 longtime threads in the last 2-months, and I cannot blame anybody but myself
As a thread author, it is really frustrating to lose long time threads. Even as a forum mod, I'm powerless as well if so many spam threads pushes legitimate threads to their death. My intention is hopefully helping more with regulating RSOF, especially general forums so that regular folks there don't have to experience losing threads because of some naughty people posting garbage there.
And with that, I would like to thank Louiellen for her dedication and help in making sure the forums are clean and spam free. The general section in particular gets quite a lot of spam because people think that they can post anything there. It is great to have more Fmods moderating that section, and all the sections, to make sure they stay "clean".
Thanks Louiellen!
"The man who acquires the ability to take full possession of his own mind
may take possession of anything else to which he is justly entitled."