Words typed on a keyboard behind a screen don't even come close to showing the appreciation, even just appreciating is not enough to highlight what the majority of our amazing volunteers.
I think it about time the company recognised them and treated them with a fraction of the respect that we know they are worth and at least remove their monthly subscription as a mark of respect and thanks for their work that do to allow Jagex as a company to run smoothly and in some ways, actually continue to operate as a business.
I know that every single one of the Fmods will disagree with me and say they don't want a free passage and they are happy to pay and do their job for the love of the game because that is the kind of people they are.
I know this probably won't ever happen and i can 100% guarantee that no Jmod will pop in with an excuse of why this will never happen but it would be nice to see the people that deserve the real thanks actually get the recognition they truly deserve after some of the shit they have got over the years.
Much love
Scouse - Respect and heartfelt love to those who really deserve it, some more than others but that's maybe a post for the player appreciation thread <3
Thanks for the message, but I rather keep my pure F2p status. I pride myself gaining all the stats that I have as a non-member through the years.
If I have a selfish request, is for Jagex to grant everyone the capability for a decent forum avatar. Something that looks decent, and will able to give forumers a visual personality regardless of membership status. It will also help with beautification of this board, as the default avatar is ugly - destroys the aesthetics of this website.
Well at least give Louie his wish, cmon Jagex, it aint that hard, our friends that give up their own time for the love of the game deserve something, even if it it a publishised thank you
[qfc id=]whatever[/qfc]
Well Kari, kudos to you for the recognition but i for the life of me just can't get past the "oh my, i guess 1 of us best lob a post in there to prove Scouse wrong about us posting" lol
At least there was no excuse lol but fair play showing gratitude where gratitude is due.
Shout out to Tren for directing me to the correct place to submit a ticket for lost items due to server issues.
Tren provided an extremely quick response to my query in the forums. Huge thank you and amazing to have you moderating the RSOF. I thanked Tren in-game as well because of how pleased I am with his helpfulness.
While this isn't for an FMod specifically, it is for an LMod, so I thought I'd post it in here. Hope that's okay.
When I saw this:
CM Arbor
Despite the OP's posting history, the thread itself is not all bad, and originally promotes positive, inclusion-based thinking at its core.
I thought to myself
"Now that's what I like to see. Unbiased moderation that is focusing on the topic, and not on the user posting the topic"
I commend you for your unbiased approach.
Thank you.
I'm better than you, but that doesn't mean you're not great!
I don't know who's thread that was about. On the face of it, yes I believe CM Arbor's approach sounds good. Generally seems to be ok for the FMod team too. I cannot say that for the entire Jagex team; I'm keeping a watchful eye.
Anyway this thread's about compliments. Let's hope that whatever thread it was that Arbor was referencing, stays appropriate and does not let him down. Regardless it sounds like the correct approach to be taking anyway.
I love to see the how professional, positive and active the forum team (Arbor and Nick included) are when handling every day tasks.
Regardless of how many rants are made their way, they do not lose their temper or shed a tear, quite the opposite, they remain helpful and try to de-escalate situations where users are clearly frustrated. This takes A LOT of patience!
Thank you for keeping our forums, the way we want it - even though you beat us in the last FMod vs Players game.
Life is like a camera: Just
on what's important,
the good times,
from the negatives, and if things don't work out,
take another shot