there are 3 things to consider,
how many items are in the game.
There are supposed to be max 1000 ingame which places the item in the top 8 of least items ingame.
how does the item look.
The item is unique but there are cheaper options that have a better look compared to holly wreath, 3 age wreath is commonly chosen for its wreath form and looks while hollywreath doesnt have the same look.
Is the item discontinued.
Yes the item is discontinued but its not in the top 3 of discontinued items (there are atleast 5 items with less quantity that are also discontinued)
comparing its price to its more favorable counter part the black santa hat which holds double its value and also has alot more interest could be considered the big brother of the hollywreath.
most people either buy santa hats or black santa to upgrade into the partyhats so people dont often use a hollywreath as a money chip to buy a partyhat either.
here is my review on holly wreath, feedback is always welcome.
trusting certain pc lists or prices of items or websites that dont belong to jagex will get you into trouble notice: external websites and trades are your responsibility, dont get fooled!.
26-Jun-2021 10:00:55