insted of bank bidders it should be accout bidding.
lets say you would love a fishing alt and a old bot pops up with 99 fishing insted of you just getting their items you should beable to get the hole accout this allso reduces the risk abit.
as most players will then bid a fair ammout for a new accout or alt with a skill example would be
say a bot came up for auction with 99 slayer starting price 100mgp, as a player you would see that it would cost you around 750-1bgp when bonds where 30m/pop to th 99 slayer with lamps,dummys so this then would give the bidder a decent price to go off or willing to pay then they would allso check youtube for afk skilling gp/h methades aswell say 99 slayer alt with 99 magic could make you 4-5m profit/h you would then say ummm ill pay max 500mgp for that bot as if it has complety trash on it i can afk on it and make the 500m back in 100h/ mostlikey 2 weeks.
this would be more fair as people would not bid for the bank but mainly for a decent alt accouts with a chance that they might have a jackpot on aswell.
And this would allso be a grate gold sink as evey cupple of mouths they could auction off accouts and then delete the gold it was sold for. Example ( 1k accouts sold off for a total of 500b and was deleted from the game)
01-Aug-2022 15:37:35
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01-Aug-2022 15:42:04
pure 4 loot