no offense, but the people claiming it's worth 600m or anything less than 1b are clearly trying to speak it into existance. Nobody at world 2 will sell it to you for anything lower than 1b, no matter how long you stand there. You might get lucky if a crowd of merchers decide to shout out offers of 800m or less and trick an unsuspecting player, but that is most definitely not the value. I've been at w2 for a while now, and I've seen the price fluctuating, as well as people trying to convince others that "oh, its not like other santa hats, THIS one has been confirmed that itll be reoccuring", and no. That is what players fear, because Zombie walk came back. But at the end of the day, this is a santa hat, and until proven otherwise, it should be treated like a santa hat.
25-Dec-2021 22:15:07