It's slightly easier to add a new area vs reworking an older area.
Falador IIRC took almost a year to rework. In part because of how many quests run thru the area.
With Archaeology, they had already removed Mobilizing Armies. After that, they just added in 3 smaller surface areas for Bandosian, Zamorak, and Zarosian that led to an off-the map underground area.
Armadyl's Tempe of Ikov did get an overhaul as well. But it was a small area to rework.
The Saradomin area was simply added on to the existing area in Morytania.
TzHaar city is an off the map area. All they did was graphically update the top of the Volcano the entrance sits on.
05-Mar-2022 13:09:51