I do agree the forums serve a function and shouldn't be discarded.
I would have liked to have seen them prune a lot of the unused sub-forums before they outright closed it down.
Part of the issue is that Jmods have never been able to use the forums remotely. Social media was always "more convenient" for getting the immediate response from the community BECAUSE a JMOD couldn't do it on their own forums.
I don't entirely blame them for not wanting to clone reddit's functions and stuff (polling in your own thread, more user friendly UI, etc). I wouldn't be stunned if the forums were as much of a spaghetti code mess that rewokring and updating would be a problem akin to a PoH update.
And as JAgex has sadly experienced from other content "why spend months or years updating something that few people are already using when you're not sure the update would bring the level of engagement you'd hope it would bring?"
If Jagex had at least tried to do a "hey, jmods, stop using social media for everything. we've updated our site so you can login and do stuff on the forums anytime/anywhere"... it might be a start ... since players could only do feedback on the forums instead of on a potential former jmods personal twitter feed or something.
But none of that matters now
17-Jan-2024 13:43:18