@itz wispa
"The game is based on xp and levels, plenty of content like questing etc depending on your character level is the fundamental design of the game."
Definitely not true. XP and levels are only part of the gaming experience, but they are not all of them. We have seen a vast variety of activities making up the Hiscores in Jagex's Runescape Franchise games with many of them like Clue Scrolls and one-off events where no specific xp/levels are needed to participate. We have also seen such no-or-almost-no requirement quests/boss fights in these Franchise games. If players like grindfest, why do some old school games apply 5x XP rates to some of their content?
The game is now bordering on making all levels to 120, causing another balance issue,"
What's the balance issue? If they just raise the level cap without adding any new content, then it is a balance issue. However, if they are also adding a bunch of new content with new way to play the games, then it is hardly a "balance" issue.
"Fast and now games struggle to hold customers, get boring after time, Diablo 3, WOW, Path of Exile for example, I don’t want to see RuneScape competing with them,
Runescape’s always been different. It’s taken the genre and given it some amazing depth and content.
As for the two gamers who decided to stop playing, that’s their choice, depending on their needs/wants,"
WoW Classic players mostly have gone to retail WoW clearly showed the classic grindfest is losing out big time to fast paced games. It is simply undeniable.
There are far more than just 2 players moving from WoW Classic to retail WoW. Most of the OG Classic players are too.
As for the two RSOF users who don't want DXP, that's their choice, depending on their needs/wants.