
The 4 fronts of Elder Godwar

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Jun Member 2006


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You are just totally wrong about the lore. The Elder Gods came to Gielinor to lay their eggs because it is the most perfect world. They aren't going to other worlds just to discard their artifacts. They didn't create any artifacts for the benefits of whatever worlds they are going to. Everything they do and everything they create is just purely for the benefits of the Elder Gods themselves. To them, everything is just like a tool or a toy. They created the Elder Artifacts including the horn for no different reason than they created the Tokhaar - just to serve them. They weren't going to discard the Horn in other plane just like they weren't going to dump the Tokhaar in other plane. They just ignore all the Elder Artifacts and their Tokhaar servants when they don't need them and let them slip into oblivion or be turned into something useful or harmful to Gielnior depending on the adventures of the founders but they don't care an iota.

They can always create more tools and toys to serve them. They can always create more artifacts and Tokhaar when they need more toys.

23-Jul-2021 16:12:35

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23-Jul-2021 17:01:49

fmod Member


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I removed your latest post for Name Calling. As per the Forum Rules this can't be done and should be avoided at all times. You need to respect other peoples opinions. If you don't like what they say then simply don't reply. It only causes further issues.

So stick to the topic and leave out the name calling.

Thank you for understanding.
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23-Jul-2021 17:27:50

Jul Member 2007


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So yeh, Abbinah either has the Template or the Hammer in which lore suggests Armadyl most likely ascensed through it. I personally lean towards the Hammer which may be a miltary grade weapon or an artistan's tool. Aramdyl's husbands were a soldier but there is a contradiction in the lore of the other husband. I think it needs more clarity and requires only a small fix. In orginal older lore Armadyl seems to describe the non-soldier husband as being a farmer.

However when given the Aviansie Dreamcoat he says that his husband was a tailor..

Perhaps he was both, it just seems contradictive. But nethertheless, the Hammer or the Template was discarded on Abbinah because it had become obsolete for whatever reason.

The blade was also deemed obsolete and discarded on another world, guthix used it to kill the god that made him ascend and he created the world gate with it. As lore is limited on it's primary use before Guthix it leads me to believe it was made obsolete by the Codex given what the codex had sealed. Creating gateways may not have been the intention of the sword , irrespective of Guthix's use of it but sealing Anethema based wormholes in the fabric of reality. It was discarded because the Codex was more efficient and less risky as proven when Guthix cut to deep and shattered the seasonal world and the sword itself.

The Measure left on Freneskae also

The horn made it's way all the way to the perfect world. It couldn't have been previously obsolete. I do retain my belief that Ful will not be able to control them without it and this may be the reason the Elder's fail in saving their children. Because through protocol the Tokhaar is doing what it was programmed to. The delicate balance of the situation itself could be harmed if they do not have full control of their own forces. I think this artefact will be the deciding factor in this whole event

23-Jul-2021 19:13:49

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23-Jul-2021 19:15:21

Jun Member 2006


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No lore suggested Amardyl ascended from an Elder Artifact. Most fake gods ascended from killing other gods and it certainly doesn't mean all of the likes of Saradomin, Bandos, Guthix and many others also ascended from an Elder Artifact.

There is also no lore suggesting any of the missing Elder Artiafacts are in Abinnah. Even the RS Wiki is apparently outdated as we know there is at least one Elder Artifact in the Desert according to Mod Osborne.

There is no saying we won't see The Hammer or The Template in the Elder God War. There is also no saying Icthlarin who refused the World Guardian's invitation and went his own way to look for help is actually looking for the long missing Tumeken. There is also no saying Tumeken won't come to save Gielinor at the very last moment with The Hammer and/or The Template from the Desert.

24-Jul-2021 01:05:48

Jul Member 2007


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Yeh I am not even gonna bother with Half a Job Tuffty wading in again

(Edit cant help myself lol)

Marimbo drank from the horn. It was enough

No info saradomin killed with the crown either to ascend. Wiki explains that ascension can be caused by longterm exposure. Killing is not required at all. Who did Brassca prime kill?

But an elder artifact played a significant role in every ascension, the siphon was on Gielinor. Aramdyl did not ascend on Gielinor

24-Jul-2021 16:01:34 - Last edited on 24-Jul-2021 16:07:15 by Smasherley

Jun Member 2006


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The Nodon Front has been released yesterday. Although there is no revelations on the next 3 wonderful fronts yet, my first observation is unlike GWD1 and GWD2, everything in the new dungeon is heavily tied into lore.

The Kerapac fight mechanics is heavily tied into the lore of The Needle. Not only is Kerapac able to use The Needle for time warping, so can the World Guardian through a brand new Time Warp mechanic to our advantage.

Since we can now own the the T95 Staff of Armadyl, perhaps at some point of the next 3 fronts we may discover the vampiric ability of the SIPHON in boss fights where the lore calls for?

What about the Pontifex Shadow Ring. It is being upgrade to Tier 3 now. What about tier 4 and beyond, and perhaps we may be able to upgrade it to the tier which we may slip into the Shadow like Tridine? :)

27-Jul-2021 21:57:48

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