So yeh, Abbinah either has the Template or the Hammer in which lore suggests Armadyl most likely ascensed through it. I personally lean towards the Hammer which may be a miltary grade weapon or an artistan's tool. Aramdyl's husbands were a soldier but there is a contradiction in the lore of the other husband. I think it needs more clarity and requires only a small fix. In orginal older lore Armadyl seems to describe the non-soldier husband as being a farmer.
However when given the Aviansie Dreamcoat he says that his husband was a tailor..
Perhaps he was both, it just seems contradictive. But nethertheless, the Hammer or the Template was discarded on Abbinah because it had become obsolete for whatever reason.
The blade was also deemed obsolete and discarded on another world, guthix used it to kill the god that made him ascend and he created the world gate with it. As lore is limited on it's primary use before Guthix it leads me to believe it was made obsolete by the Codex given what the codex had sealed. Creating gateways may not have been the intention of the sword , irrespective of Guthix's use of it but sealing Anethema based wormholes in the fabric of reality. It was discarded because the Codex was more efficient and less risky as proven when Guthix cut to deep and shattered the seasonal world and the sword itself.
The Measure left on Freneskae also
The horn made it's way all the way to the perfect world. It couldn't have been previously obsolete. I do retain my belief that Ful will not be able to control them without it and this may be the reason the Elder's fail in saving their children. Because through protocol the Tokhaar is doing what it was programmed to. The delicate balance of the situation itself could be harmed if they do not have full control of their own forces. I think this artefact will be the deciding factor in this whole event
23-Jul-2021 19:13:49