
The 4 fronts of Elder Godwar

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Jul Member 2007


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The horn was created so the elder gods could communicate with the Tok-Haar.

This insinuates without the elder horn ful was not able to communicate with them.

Whether or not the world guardian can communicate with either is besides the point. The horn was needed up until their creation and arrival of the perfect world and was discarded on the perfect world, this means the horn had specific use throughout their life creating worlds until they slept.

It was found and drank from by Marimbo and then came into the possession of self procclaimed goddess Quin inside the Pearl Fortress. The horn is missing.

Up until this moment in time there is no credible example of Ful communicating with the Tokhaar by any other means as it was used on every world including Gielinor

22-Jul-2021 21:21:37

Jun Member 2006


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Smasherley said :
The horn was created so the elder gods could communicate with the Tok-Haar.

This insinuates without the elder horn ful was not able to communicate with them.

Whether or not the world guardian can communicate with either is besides the point. The horn was needed up until their creation and arrival of the perfect world and was discarded on the perfect world, this means the horn had specific use throughout their life creating worlds until they slept.

It was found and drank from by Marimbo and then came into the possession of self procclaimed goddess Quin inside the Pearl Fortress. The horn is missing.

Up until this moment in time there is no credible example of Ful communicating with the Tokhaar by any other means as it was used on every world including Gielinor

Not true at all. The Horn was created as the Elder God's first Mouthpiece as they don't have mouths and can't talk directly. It was explained in Heart of Stone.

If you have done Battle of the Monolith, you should know the TokHaar changed side and fought against the World Guardian following the order of Ful.

Even the RS Wiki has it quoted from the lore:

"The Horn, also known as the Horn of Quin, is an artefact of the Elder Gods. It was an early mouthpiece they used to communicate with and control the TokHaar, since it was not possible for them to use their own voices without eviscerating any and all things in their vocal range. As time went on, the Elder Gods began to refine and evolve their communication methods, and thus, the Horn became obsolete.
It was eventually discarded just like many of the other Elder Artefacts, replaced by newer forms of communication, such as the "Kras" in Heart of Stone and the spawned Voice of Jas' seen in Sliske's Endgame.

If you think the RS Wiki is wrong, feel free to "correct it". :)

22-Jul-2021 21:55:11

Vengeance of
Mar Member 2018

Vengeance of

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Some interesting news from today's final Nodon front briefing:

- The stats of most of the items revealed have been... well, revealed:

-- Greater Concentrated Blast is effectively a magic version of Fury; more damage, takes one less tick to finish, gain +5% crit chance per hit
-- Staff of Armadyl's special attack is called Instability; not particularly high damage on its own, but any critical hit landed within the next 30 seconds launches a second spell
-- The new gloves are Kerapac's Wrist Straps: for six seconds after using the Dragonbreath ability, Combust does +25% damage and deals its damage instantly instead of being a DoT
-- Jas' Elder God Book has better base stats than the Illuminated God Books (+5 Prayer bonus, +8 all combat styles); has a special ability called Time Rift that adds up all of the ability damage you do in the next 10 seconds and deals 20% of it to the current target
-- Elder God Book pages will be available from both Kerapac and the Nodon grunts; no word if an active Nodon slayer task will be needed
-- As previously announced the Pontifex Shadow Ring will be able to be upgraded from the front, though no new details on how

- Every new front will come with its own Elder God Book for that Elder God.
- The release of every new front will come with a Free Death Week, where death costs or Ring of Death charges are free , presumably not limited to the Elder God Wars Dungeon. Yes, that means next week is a Free Death week. Prepare accordingly.

22-Jul-2021 23:06:42 - Last edited on 22-Jul-2021 23:10:09 by Vengeance of

Jun Member 2006


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Vengeance of said :

-- As previously announced the Pontifex Shadow Ring will be able to be upgraded from the front, though no new details on how

"While these are the main rewards available with the Nodon Front, there are a few more secrets to be discovered. Let's just say that it may be worth packing your Pontifex Shadow Ring..."

There are secrets... perhaps mysteries or miniquests we need to solve, and maybe we upgrade the Pontifex Shadow Ring with one mystery from each front.

22-Jul-2021 23:25:00

Jul Member 2007


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I don't need to correct it, the horn was discarded on gielinor and it has been wrong in the past, if it became obsolete on any other point in time it would have been discarded on the world it had become obsolete on.. That was gielinor

You may have raised a good point but if you look on wiki regarding the page for FulKra it is stated that in Azzanadra's quest the mouthpieces of all the elders including Fulkra were destroyed as Azzanadra and Ariane were trying to find the Elder Egg Halls.

Therefore again proving I am right in that Ful cannot communicate with the TokHaar with anything but the Elder Horn.

I dare say the page you're looking at simply hasn't been updated

Saying that though, since the dust that formed from their destruction went into ariane, she could actually use the essence of Fulkra to impersonate Ful.. Hypothetically speaking in the mouthpiece can be used by ful, and the magic of it lives within Ariane then in essence ful could infact use Ariane as the mouthpiece...

Could go either way.

22-Jul-2021 23:43:43 - Last edited on 22-Jul-2021 23:48:14 by Smasherley

Jun Member 2006


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Smasherley said :
I don't need to correct it, the horn was discarded on gielinor and it has been wrong in the past, if it became obsolete on any other point in time it would have been discarded on the world it had become obsolete on.. That was gielinor

You may have raised a good point but if you look on wiki regarding the page for FulKra it is stated that in Azzanadra's quest the mouthpieces of all the elders including Fulkra were destroyed as Azzanadra and Ariane were trying to find the Elder Egg Halls.

Therefore again proving I am right in that Ful cannot communicate with the TokHaar with anything but the Elder Horn.

I dare say the page you're looking at simply hasn't been updated

All these proved you are totally wrong, because the Elder Gods are able to create as many Mouthpieces as they want any time. Heart of Stone also tells us The Elder Gods didn't care about communication with other creatures in the past as they have been sleeping quietly in the first few Ages. Only recent activities caused them to set up their Mouthpieces again and they have many ways to communicate.

22-Jul-2021 23:51:19

Jul Member 2007


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If the elder horn was not needed before Gielinor then it would have been discarded on a different world. It is clear that the horn was used right up until they slept under Gielinor.

I do believe the elder gods were ignorant, they believe mortal life is dangerous and the fact it had been created is something they didn't care to look into the rammifications of, although they should be aware of sentient life because the dragonkin survived a previous cycle by hiding in the Abyss. It's a little bit contradictive.

Whilst wikia explains that there could have been 1,000 stones of Jas' and that this one most purely expressed her power, the lore is not worded that way. It's is worded in the way that Jas had one chance to lay an egg as the other 3 elders did and she sacrificed it to create the stone.

She should given your logic just create another one, but she doesn't.. She retains the conversation that it is "lost" however I personally do not believe it is. I believe that before the first age when Jas bound the kin to the stone, it was left with them for safe keeping on Anachronia and the stone has been brought back into the world through this version of prehistoric Anachronia. Yet to be found by us... Untouched from Guthix ever finding it.

Just as I do not believe even that the Black Stone Dragon in Desperate Measures is a sister to the ED2 version but rather the same dragon in adolosence that wasn't actually born in the ED2 dungeon. Judging by the lore neither was Astellarn. It's clear that after anachronia's destruction and his Anathema weapon failure Kerapac had then moved his base of scientific operations to Fortinthry and other notable places on the mainland.

I don't believe ful can just summon another mouthpiece just as Jas can't just make another stone.

Also, there's no proof FUL summoned the Tokhaar during BOTM.

They were searching for the correct protocol and found it, their attack was their reaction to the world they hadn't seen since creation and slumber.

23-Jul-2021 04:49:08

Jul Member 2007


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Essentially the Tok-haar are feral, they are using the protocol within them with nothing but silence from ful and beings as ful is the last of the fronts, then perhaps the Tok-Haar will be the reason the eggs are damaged and unborn infants presumably turn out like mah or die.

The Tokhaar are awaiting the call of the masters. They will use the correct protocol until Ful instructs them otherwise, there may very well be protocol for the protection of the eggs, just as the protocol tells them they must dismantle and rebuild gielinor which to them is damaged by us for which they attacked at the end of BOTM

I don't believe the master's call is coming, though there is a few months yet whereby a quest could be released to locate the horn then we ourselves are able to control the tokhaar. Think it does more than just speak to them, I think it physically controls them and we NEED it.

I think it's essential and I think the lore is changing on what we thought for so many years because as I say, I don't believe jas had a thousand eggs to make a thousand stones... I think she had one egg and gave it up.

23-Jul-2021 05:01:40 - Last edited on 23-Jul-2021 05:04:45 by Smasherley

Dulcis Nex
Dec Member 2021

Dulcis Nex

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My theory for Wen is Glacors+an Arch-Glacor boss. She was almost certainly responsible for their creation, maybe they had a purpose.

Bik... I believe created Solak and Rago. So we could see another Anima guardian.
You'll get it when you deserve it.

23-Jul-2021 10:23:38

Jul Member 2007


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Dulcis Nex said :
My theory for Wen is Glacors+an Arch-Glacor boss. She was almost certainly responsible for their creation, maybe they had a purpose.

Bik... I believe created Solak and Rago. So we could see another Anima guardian.

That's not a bad shout tbh, just as the gods have brought forward their generals and Jas has used Kerapac and the Nodon, there is a chance they could actuall call Solak, Vorago or even Telos to Senntisten and perhaps others.

23-Jul-2021 16:10:13

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