Immortalized said :
Dilbert2001 said :
Immortalized said :
Dilbert2001 said :
Immortalized said :
Dilbert2001 said :
Again, where the Fort is now was in Wilderness before the completion of the quest. The conversation between us and Flint was during the quest, not after.
But after we recruited Flint and finished the quest, it became part of Varrock and not Wilderness.
Original message details are unavailable.
Ask about Archaeology.
My team of crack researchers are always busy at the Archaeology Guild.
Overseer Siv:
We are in the Wilderness. I'm sure we can dig up something interesting to send them.
You totally missed the time of the conversation, but the reality Fort Forinthry will not be in the Wilderness after the introduction quest of Fort Forinthry is obvious.
Go ask Vala to turn on Opt-in PvP, then go to Fort Forinthry and see if you get skulled. Obviously not, because it is not part of Wilderness anymore. Everybody who has doubt please try it and see with your own eyes.
it is the same behavior before you build the fort, the distinction you are making is irrelevant
Totally wrong. We would be skulled in the northern part of where Fort Forinthry is now before the quest.
absolutely wrong. you can make a new account and try this before you do the quest. won't work.
I welcome everybody to try it, with a new account or not. I do believe at least some even in the RSOF already knew the incredibly obvious answer, especially when they knew the blue dragons that used to be in the part of Wildy where the new Fort is now were forced to move.
silly thing to even contemplate. two players who haven't started quest just pvping away in the middle of the fort you completed? please share what you are drinking dilbert Buy Zemomarks / Chromatic Partyhats safely here
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Immortalized said :
Dilbert2001 said :
Immortalized said :
Dilbert2001 said :
Immortalized said :
Dilbert2001 said :
Again, where the Fort is now was in Wilderness before the completion of the quest. The conversation between us and Flint was during the quest, not after.
But after we recruited Flint and finished the quest, it became part of Varrock and not Wilderness.
Original message details are unavailable.
Ask about Archaeology.
My team of crack researchers are always busy at the Archaeology Guild.
Overseer Siv:
We are in the Wilderness. I'm sure we can dig up something interesting to send them.
You totally missed the time of the conversation, but the reality Fort Forinthry will not be in the Wilderness after the introduction quest of Fort Forinthry is obvious.
Go ask Vala to turn on Opt-in PvP, then go to Fort Forinthry and see if you get skulled. Obviously not, because it is not part of Wilderness anymore. Everybody who has doubt please try it and see with your own eyes.
it is the same behavior before you build the fort, the distinction you are making is irrelevant
Totally wrong. We would be skulled in the northern part of where Fort Forinthry is now before the quest.
absolutely wrong. you can make a new account and try this before you do the quest. won't work.
I welcome everybody to try it, with a new account or not. I do believe at least some even in the RSOF already knew the incredibly obvious answer, especially when they knew the blue dragons that used to be in the part of Wildy where the new Fort is now were forced to move.
silly thing to even contemplate. two players who haven't started quest just pvping away in the middle of the fort you completed? please share what you are drinking dilbert Buy Zemomarks / Chromatic Partyhats safely here
Migrating to Discord per forum shutdown: https://discord.gg/nTVk7RRzq4
24-Feb-2023 03:42:56