Anyone else get the impression that the "rebalancing" of oddments in the recent update is to try to push players into buying more keys? Sure, they raised the daily oddment key cap to 15 but that's just so you'll run out of oddments more quickly.
I think it was perfectly fair that the amount of oddments you'd get from discarding TH items would scale by both the rarity and quantity of the item. The whole point was to get some kind of value even if you didn't want the item you rolled. Now, it seems getting multiple items no longer counts, which cuts down on that value and makes it harder for players to get keys they don't pay MTX for. Not just players not buying keys at all but the ones buying keys too. That was value they were getting back from not getting what they wanted.
Anyone who hasn't already sworn off buying keys should really pay attention to just how little worth they get out of doing so.
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24-Jan-2024 18:51:00
- Last edited on
24-Jan-2024 18:51:52
Mel 624