Seen a lot happen on these forums. Seen people grow and mature (you could tell by their posting style), seen trolls come and go as well as flamers. Seen trouble makers reformed and become productive citizens on the forums. Seen several mods that should have never been mods in the first place be removed from mod status.
Seen the forums go from being a member only feature to post, to being open to all. Seen massive and epic flame wars take place, some of which I took part in. Seen the backlash over the miniclip fiasco. Organized bot pk hunts, had several good laughs during the great bot war, long before the bot nuke.
Helped organize with other players and pmods here on the forums, bot traps. This included laying down a trail of yew logs to lure the bots to the hobgoblins, dressing in full green gnome robes and luring the flax bots to the giant bats, casting tele other on the bots to freeze them in place while the p mods reported. Got several good laughs when a p mod would go into a bot infested area and say something in chat, causing a mass bot log out.
Had so many good times, and a few bad times on these forums. It is saddening that they are shutting the forums down. I know the forums helped me a lot when I was going through my chemo and later double amputation recovery.
Don't ever think the reason I am peaceful is because I do not know how to be violent.
Ekki hugsa alltaf að ég sé friðsælt vegna þess að ég veit ekki hvernig á að vera ofbeldi.
14-Jan-2024 03:19:35