Mine is very very old. Its on that old list of first 2k players made in rs (though i don't think its that accurate, I made another character before this one and she isnt on it)
I am above the 15 year mark, to my surprise. Like many others, I've had significant breaks during that time. Specifically, most of the last decade.
‡±General Tap's War Chest±‡
Twitter: @
I may have started playing in 2001 sometime.
Had current membership since Jan 2003 but had membership before that. It changed due to my payment method. Was paying in $$$$ using Paypal and changed to ££££ debit card.
I do have a start date but won't post it here for privacy and security reasons.
If that is part of the account recovery, wont that make everyone who gets the 20 year cape a target? this seems like a myth more than anything or a big security problem...
If that is part of the account recovery, wont that make everyone who gets the 20 year cape a target? this seems like a myth more than anything or a big security problem...
ud have to know the exact date the account was made and as time goes on after the cape comes out more and more people will get them making it even harder to figure out the exact date someones account was made
Daddy Roshi
@raw lobbs u a new forum mod? i personally havent seen u on forums very much
if so gratz and nice to meet u
Hey! Nice to meet you too!
I've been a forum moderator for a few years for the brazilian community (check the Brazil flag in the bottom right corner of the site), and i was invited to give a helping hand here in the english community too as at the moment unfortunately they can't recruit a new player to the team and I already have training and knowledge on how to be a moderator.
(Brazil) Official Community Helper (Ajudante da Comunidade): Twitter @JagexHelpLobbs