I suppose we need the right J-mods that don't give up hope because of how dead it is. We need some that use the forums and actually respond to player queries regularly. Players generally follow where the J-mods are because they hold the answers we need to hear for the bigger questions.
We've had a few J-mods in the past act like they're trying but they quickly give up and disappear. They lack hope and likely feel it cannot be rejuvenated, so don't bother and go back to where everyone is again.
Right now, if anyone posted something on this forum section that only a J-mod could answer, you'd have to divert them to Twitter or Reddit because their query is likely going to be answered much quicker. You shouldn't need to do that as they should already be here, ready to answer any queries a player has. The players don't see that and instead see how inferior the forum is and don't come back.
We are not going to lure people here without fixing its functionality, J-mod presence, convenience and features. I know it takes work and it's not worth it because there's no guarantee anything will change but someone needs to at least try and put in the effort. Who knows, it might be just what it needs. The forums have a lack of caring vibe to them, you can see it just by looking at them. It's no surprise they are "dead".
EDIT: I sometimes forget I use an extension. Without Linkify, the forums would be unbearable. That alone says something.
27-Sep-2017 16:04:26
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27-Sep-2017 16:08:16