
General Forum Chat Lounge Thread is sticky

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Jan Member 2006


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Shiny new clean lounge! Totally fine with this, and would like to officially hand over the responsibility for the lounge over to the FMod team, Tranq in particular for taking it up in the first place.

I've been expecting it for a while anyway lol.

Not keen on being accused as a selfish lout though - seems that's one of the many changes I've felt in recent times on the forum with peeps interacting with me, I must have stepped on a few toes here and there. That sort of stuff I'm absolutely abhorrently against at my core, but if some of ya'll have made up your minds otherwise on that, well, no point in my trying to defend myself lol.

The reason the lounge wasn't refreshed in so long was, to be honest, I was thinking 'was it really necessary?' Some of the other big chat threads, particularly the HLFCL have (or had, havent checked recently) crazy amount of pages. I figured since it was finally stickied a while back, we would have no need to refresh it, just keep the chat going indefinitely. There were issues brought up in game when I was more active about it maybe becomign a strain, or unsightly to see when managing it on the Fmod side of things? I did reset for those instances, but have since not been approached about those issues to warrant another reset on the 'technical' grounds of it all.

Also it was NEVER mine, falling back to the accusations of selfishness again - it's always been the General Forum's, just my name on the door never meant anything, I was more the 'caretaker' like Lyrassia and folks were before me many moons ago. Sure, peeps did ask for a reset and I pondered over it and let it accumulate the interest but, multiple reasons and lack of interest eventually called me away from RS in general, and slowly starting to come back to it. But again, was a reset just for personal aesthetics, fresh slates, or was there a greater reason that it was needed that it became overall too cumbersome to manage as it was?


01-Oct-2017 13:14:49

Jan Member 2006


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Perhaps it was and I just wasn't aware of it. Not at all to do with accusations of being a selfish git, but again I've sort of covered that in my previous thoughts on the issue lol.

Reasons for my absence are a bit of a mix really. I'll focus on primarily the forum absence though. If folks still remember, I used to be very active, particularly in the General forum and we had quite an active little community here. Over time however, overall interest and activity in the RS forums as a whole just died out in favour of other more convenient methods of conversing - Reddit, Twitter, Discord and (if you're lucky) in game chatter.

The regular folks were replaced by a newer generation that gelled together well in their own clique but though I tried, somewhere along the line I must have screwed up and personally felt like chat towards or involving me had become not as 'warm' or as favourable, lacking better terms. That coupled with my own views of said folks made it a bit difficult to interact properly with, and thus fuelled the disinterest and drift from the forum scene alltogether that also impacted my in-game presence too.

But hey, I'm up for a chat about anything like this, some weird AMA type thing even if curiosity is still aflare. Should be around a fair bit to discuss - assuming the next forumer to post on this lounge does so in less than 5 hours or something of the like after posting this lol.

In any case, long live the lounge! May Tranq and the FMod team continue to keep it all spick and span and full of all the chatter for many years to come!

01-Oct-2017 13:14:53 - Last edited on 01-Oct-2017 13:24:27 by Sagzee



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It's good to hear from you Akhet. You probably don't recognise this name but bleh, that doesn't matter. Are you feeling a return to the RSOF and game in your future? While you're right that it's a smaller place now, I don't know, maybe a presence such as yours may help reinvigorate the place. At least for oldies who remember you and would be happy to see you return.
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01-Oct-2017 13:54:52

Jan Member 2006


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Haio. Yup soz, I don't recognise the name lol. ;-; Always been super dopey with stuff like that.

It's a possibility yeah, of my returning that is. I kinda never really 'left' just a weird off and on hiatus when I get the urge to play. I tell myself 'ooh I'mma do this and aim for that' - I might spend a week at most in game before my interest dies out again in favour of something else. Overwatch in particular has had me invested a fair bit into, and my Steam library games recently too like The Witcher 3.

As for my presence revitalising interest in the forums, I highly doubt that lol. It'd be nice, but extremely unlikely, there's much bigger issues present that need to be worked on but I don't think ever will these days due to the availability and popularity of other platforms we have nowadays. I was just glancing over a thread randomly earlier - the OP had requested an answer to a question somewhere in August, had to revive/post-bump the thread in September, and only got a rough answer today, 1st of October.

The lounge itself can see spells of folks posting or starting a convo with someone and not getting a response or continuation of the convo until several hours later etc. It's a little sad to be honest when you can remember how it used to be. But the times they are always a changin' and we just gotta change with them.

01-Oct-2017 14:07:31 - Last edited on 01-Oct-2017 14:08:42 by Sagzee



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I felt the same way a few years back. I had achieved just enough to be content but didn't have the drive to get other stuff, especially when it involved learning new mechanics and stuff like that, lol. So I was away from the game for, I dunno, maybe 1.5 years. Back then I was Johnny Depp. :) Now back, I can say my interest in the game is pretty revitalised. Not that I want to encourage you to go on hiatus for 1.5 years! But losing interest is fair enough is what I'm trying to say. Still, come say hi to us occasionally!

Now ya see, the thing about reddit and Twitter is, you can't have a convo like this :P That's the beauty of forum boards like the RSOF to me. They're a real community. I find reddit and Twitter so fractured and fast-paced that it's impossible to develop relationships with anybody. Twitter used to be different when there was only a handful of people from RS on there, but I can't keep up with the popularity contest on there now. I do nothing special... I'm not a streamer or vid-maker. I've got nothing to give the people :P Another reason the RSOF is for me, as opposed to SM.
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01-Oct-2017 14:22:18 - Last edited on 01-Oct-2017 14:26:07 by Post



Posts: 18,410 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Anyway, 'tis getting pretty late here. I have to head off. Hopefully I'll see you around. Take care! :)
× Aussie
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01-Oct-2017 14:30:35 - Last edited on 01-Oct-2017 14:31:00 by Post

Jan Member 2006


Posts: 48,694 Sapphire Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
OMG, Johnnyyyyyyy <3

Been ages lol.

Agreed though with the whole reddit etc being fractured, not able to have decent convos like these we have here. It's unfortunate that that sort of stuff has become so 'mainstream' now, pushing back the old forum/boards like these. Perhaps we could see some surge of interest in coming times but I'm unfortunately too pessimistic about such an outcome lol. Try to make the best of what we've got I suppose though.

01-Oct-2017 14:42:37

fmod Member


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Bernadette said :
I feel a bit sorry for some students as they now type most of their homeworks and assignments but then have to do written exam papers.

Last spring in the class I was taking, the professor had us do a mid-term exam, hand written. It was 20 essay questions, about half requiring 1 page answers and the other requiring half page answers.

All of us protested, but he said that allowing us to use a computer or tablet or such meant we could cheat. I guess he didn't want to get up out of his chair to walk around to see what would be going on if we had computers and weren't only in a word processing document.

It was a 5 hour class. One person left after 20 minutes (lolwut). The rest of us were there for minimum 3 hours, writing. Was just crazy. The other professor I had allowed us to electronics and he superficially casually roamed the room. No problems.

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01-Oct-2017 14:50:15

fmod Member


Forum Moderator Posts: 49,500 Sapphire Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Nosword said :
yay october. finally will be active for a halloween event for the first time in ages

i stole this from someone, but i
now she won'

For W71 Penguin locations starting January 24, 2024: www.reddit.***/r/W71PenguinWhisperers or @pengwhisper

01-Oct-2017 15:00:26

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