Just attended a 100m drop party at the falador party room in w2. These guys weren't playing, they placed 100m worth of items in the chest. Sadly all I got was 2 burnt fish.
I need an onyx for my necklace thingy and i'm that poor i have to ask vagrants if they can spare food
I am a bit of a vagrant, but I do not have food to spare. However, I have a spare onyx if you can get my attention in game. I am failing a bit, so I do not always notice things right away.
What love we've given, we'll have forever. What love we fail to give, will be lost for all eternity. - Leo Buscaglia
I'm 112 herblore now, and about 3/4 through my herblore supplies. Also done some summoning, did 3k steel titan pouches/scrolls and still have some 9k pack yaks to make. Still not even cracked in smithing elder rune stuff. Not come that far yet. I just did 1 hour of combination potions (supreme overloads) during Meilyr VoS.
Otherwise having fun seeing those numbers increase.