^I know, once I saved about half an inventory worth of them until a good promotion came up - well one of my favourite TH themes. I was so pleased it came up, it was getting to that stage I needed to use the inventory ones up <- not sure if I will go to that stage again
Dong U Dead
I can't save keys, soon as it gets above 10 keys, Jagex starts putting keys in my inventory which makes me have to use the keys in TH first before using the key in my inventory
It just comes down to RNG and I believe Moderators, streamers and those good with Jagex get better RNG.
Are you talking about keys that you randomly get from playing the game? There is an option to automatically redeem them. I don't even know what you mean about the over 10 keys thing. I have had as many as 40+ keys at once before.
<- don't you get these??
I have clicked the option of automatically redeeming them, but still, once it gets to a certain amount it won't let me redeem them. I get that message you see in the picture.
the certain amount is 10 by the way.
If fat means flavour then I'm ******* delicious!
19-Dec-2019 16:57:01
- Last edited on
19-Dec-2019 17:00:29
Dong U Dead
Just saw the Tenet (2020) trailer. It sucked! I've seen the universe ending because of the big crunch/rip/big bang stories countless times, looks like Nolan has lost his touch.
Just got back from the buffet. My ticket was free. I got 3 plates worth of new and exciting food. Spring rolls were the best. Coca cola freestyle was pretty good. No time to play the slot machine. Tomorrow I'll watch The Rise of Skywalker.