If you are prepping for the skilling and rituals, get yourselves bones. According to beta testers, we don't need a lot of bones, something like a few 1000's of each of low, mid and high tiers bones.
Of course we can buy them too, and that case set aside some gp but fortunately all these bones added up to less than 250 mil gp. Even for those bond MTX warriors, this is just like 3 bonds worth of gp or $20. Sorry to those who have $60,000 to spend on a new skill. Hope you can have a smooth and safe sail with your $60,000 elsewhere if you have the opportunity.
This is really cheap, and we get to enjoy the process of growing and tasting the sweet fruits of our efforts too. We can only use one bone like every 30 seconds so nobody is going to jump to level 120 for a while. Great, fair stuff for everybody,,
26-Jun-2023 16:32:02