Clan: Republic of Varrock
Inactive Clan Owner: Anunkown
new leader: Bill Teach
He disappeared 2-3 years ago now. We can't contact him via Skype or discord, and we haven't seen him ingame. The other deputy owner & i posted in the past to change the leadership to one of us, however when we made the claims to swap it turns out he had been online or alteast in the lobby... it has to of been a year by now though?
. .{¨ˆ*·¸
Clan: Warlords Union
Inactive Clan Owner: Brasil
new leader:Kuique
My clan leader has been banned by some Jagex mistake and they denied his ban appeal. So he won't play again and we don't have a clan leader anymore. I'm a overseer and i want to assume the leadership.
I have a weird situation involving me being a Hardcore Ironman (and stupid).
Clan: Order of the Unicorn
Clan Leader: RDashieeHCM (me!)
New Leader: HCMRDashiee2
I was recommended to ask here on a different forum post about my problem. I died on this account as the leader, so I can't access the menu in-game to transfer the leadership to my new hcim. I know it means I haven't been inactive for a year, but that's mainly a check that the owner won't actually be playing anymore right? In this case it can be seen I literally can't do my duty as the owner on this account, so hopefully knowing the leader is inactive from the leader himself saves a bit of trouble right?
25-Jan-2018 23:39:17
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26-Jan-2018 00:24:46
I need help with removing an old recruitment thread form an inactive past member of our clan. Not sure where to post this...
This person is no longer in our clan and we need to construct a new recruitment clan thread in the forums. We were told that only one can be set up. How can we go about to get the old one removed? Please someone advise.
TEX 2004
I need help with removing an old recruitment thread form an inactive past member of our clan. Not sure where to post this...
This person is no longer in our clan and we need to construct a new recruitment clan thread in the forums. We were told that only one can be set up. How can we go about to get the old one removed? Please someone advise.
This thread is for requesting removal of an Inactive Clan Leader so that a new person can assume the Clan Owner's rank. The thread you're looking for is
Forum Help
to make a lock request.
~ Sicariu
Leader of
My clan (Zingiber) is currently without a leader, he stepped down and left one silver key remaining who quit playing altogether. The big problem that we have no silver keys in the clan and it hasn't been 12 months.
The clan has agreed that they wanted me as their new clan leader, if that would be granted that would have been greatly appreciated.
30-Jan-2018 16:11:08
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30-Jan-2018 16:11:29
I have some questions about this, what happens if the owner just logs in now and then (months between each time) this would reset the timer of inactivity right, which means a clan can't be saved since 12 months of owner inactivity is not met, what else can we do to save the clan?
I've been in clan 'Hunt' for 4 years now and I really don't want to leave this clan because it's a huge part of me, I rather want to try save it but this can't be done if our clan owner logs in at random times, last time he was seen was 6 months ago, and our last deputy owner left the clan and joined a new one, so I am stuck with 3 other overseers, two of them being inactive.
What can I do?
This inactivity has been happening since late 2016, throughout 2017 till now till the point of our beloved clan Hunt is "declared" dead.
Unless something can be done?
We've asked our owner to give the ownership to someone who could take care of the clan further to keep it alive, since it's nearly impossible to run a clan with no owner because of their permissions, example deputy owners can only kick 3 people a day if I am correct, unless it's changed, how are deputy owners supposed to clean out a big list of inactive people to start over again?
Thanks in advance,
I was just informed our Clan owner logged in today and changed two of our overseers to deputy owners.
But my questions remains.
Walk here