
§ RS Warring League §

Quick find code: 135-136-28-66059198

Calm Enigma

Calm Enigma

Forum Moderator Posts: 10,882 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile

¤ Memberlist rules - Types of Memberlists
¤¤ Memberlist rules - Regular v Warband-style
¤¤¤ When setting up an RSW war
¤¤¤¤ Default Rules
¤¤¤¤¤ Behaviour
¤¤¤¤¤¤ Gameplay
¤¤¤¤¤¤¤ Disputes
¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤ Activity

¤¤¤ Back to the Main Contents ¤¤¤

Clam Enigma's evil twin | Council of the RS
arring League


01-Oct-2015 09:05:54 - Last edited on 05-Jul-2016 19:19:35 by Calm Enigma

Calm Enigma

Calm Enigma

Forum Moderator Posts: 10,882 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile

Memberlists dictate who is part of a clan or team - they can only use a player in a war if he/she is on their memberlist. There are some rules regarding memberlists, though. They are detailed below.

A participant in the RSW may choose one of three memberlist types:

Official Clans:

- The official clans in RuneScape
- Can only bring players on its official memberlist (such as this one ) to a war
- They do NOT need to post a memberlist on request.

Clan Teams:

- An official clan that can also bring up to 10 non-official-clan members to a war
- If requested by the opposing clan, an updated 10 player memberlist must be posted on the respective declaration thread at least 24 hours before the scheduled war time

Full Teams:

- A team with no ties to an official clan so their memberlist may contain anyone
- Can only participate in the Warband-style ladder

Clam Enigma's evil twin | Council of the RS
arring League


01-Oct-2015 09:05:55 - Last edited on 03-Jun-2016 10:30:27 by Calm Enigma

Calm Enigma

Calm Enigma

Forum Moderator Posts: 10,882 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile


- Apply to all ladders except Warband-style
- You may only field players who are part of your memberlist.
- You may only war for one clan or clan-team in the RSW.
- If a player hops clan or clan-team, they must wait a week before fighting for their new clan.
- Official mentors may war for both their clan and the team they are mentoring in Gamer's Grotto ladders, as long as the clan being mentored is not in the top 4 for that ladder.


- There is no need to post a memberlist for any warband-style war
- Multiclanning is allowed
- Teams that are fielding pretty much the same players as each other may be 'paired' or removed from the warband-style ladder

Rules for pairing teams:

- Teams may be paired or unpaired by the Council. This will be handled via the dispute procedure.
- Paired teams must both have legitimate memberbases with legitimate and independent purposes. E.g. a clan and a warbands fc.
- Paired teams may not declare on each other.
- Paired teams share anti-immunity.
- Paired teams share the 7 day period within which they cannot declare on a team they have just fought.

Clam Enigma's evil twin | Council of the RS
arring League


01-Oct-2015 09:12:10 - Last edited on 05-Jun-2016 14:36:00 by Calm Enigma

Calm Enigma

Calm Enigma

Forum Moderator Posts: 10,882 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile

When challenging:

- The rules are explained as part of the procedure here .

When responding:

- The rules are explained as part of the procedure here .

Negotiations and preparations for the war:

- If clan-teams are asked to post their memberlist, it must be posted on the declaration thread at least 24 hours before the war. It cannot be edited within 24 hours of the war. Otherwise, the clan may ask for a forfeit before the war starts.
- If clans cannot agree on terms for their war within the week allowed, the RSW Council will choose for them and impose default rules where they exist.
- Failing to turn up to a war that has been scheduled without sufficient warning will result in the offending clan being dropped by three ranks.


- Immunity allows a clan to decline or postpone accepting any other challenges in the same ladder without dropping ranks.
- Immunity lasts from the time a declaration thread is posted until a week after the scheduled time of the war that has been fought. If a war is cancelled, the immunity ends immediately.
- If multiple clans challenge rank 1 within 12 hours of the previous war for it, priority goes to the clan that has not fought for rank 1 for the longest time.
- For other ranks the first to declare gets priority.
- Clans may only renew their challenge with priority during the first day after immunity ends.


- Anti-immunity prevents a clan from declaring in a ladder.
- Declining = 5 days anti-immunity
- Declining while on immunity = anti-immunity until the end of immunity

Clam Enigma's evil twin | Council of the RS
arring League


01-Oct-2015 09:12:11 - Last edited on 01-Aug-2016 18:38:00 by Calm Enigma

Calm Enigma

Calm Enigma

Forum Moderator Posts: 10,882 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile

When negotiating the terms of a war, the competitors can agree to any rules they wish. Note that only terms agreed to by both sides on the declaration thread will be considered; in-game agreements do not count.

In case the two sides cannot agree on certain rules, the default rules are imposed.

Ladder-specific default rules:

- The default rules specific to each ladder can be found at the top of the ladder standings on this page .

General default rules:

- Each war will be the best of 3 battles.
- Clans may negotiate to use any combat style but the default style is EoC.
- Default EoC world is 66.
- Default Legacy world is 137.
- Defenders follow the same restrictions as shields.
- Augmented equipment is allowed.

Clam Enigma's evil twin | Council of the RS
arring League


01-Oct-2015 09:12:12 - Last edited on 03-Jun-2016 10:17:58 by Calm Enigma

Calm Enigma

Calm Enigma

Forum Moderator Posts: 10,882 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile

- Jagex rules apply.

- Excessive time-wasting is not tolerated and the opposing clan may choose to ask for a forfeit.
Guidelines include starting the first round within 10 minutes of the scheduled war time, not taking over 5 mins to match numbers and not taking over 5 mins to start subsequent rounds.

- Mass recruiting for a war will result in a forfeit.
This will be investigated on a case-by-case basis, but only for wars where the clan pulls over 30 and where more than 20% of the clan’s pull at the war were recruited in the past week.

- Merging will result in action being taken on the clan's position in the RSW.
Merging with another RSW clan will result in the clan being dropped to the bottom of all ladders. Merging with a clan outside the RSW may result in the clan being dropped to the bottom of any fullout ladders it is in. Determining whether a merge has occurred and whether it is significant enough to action is at the discretion of the RSW Council.

- Flaming or otherwise causing distress to clans at a war is not tolerated. Action may include bans from the RSW for both individuals and clans. If the rule is broken by many members of the same clan, that clan will forfeit any war it has scheduled and drop by one rank in all ladders it is in.
This will be dealt with if evidence is provided of it occuring anywhere in-game or on the forums, except locked clan chats. If not at a war or on the Clan Warring forums, the evidence must show it is clearly warring-related though. We will not go out of our way to search for flame - unless it's on the RSW-related thread or platform, an issue must be raised via an appopriate dispute to result in action.

Clam Enigma's evil twin | Council of the RS
arring League


01-Oct-2015 09:12:13 - Last edited on 05-Dec-2016 17:49:47 by Calm Enigma

Calm Enigma

Calm Enigma

Forum Moderator Posts: 10,882 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile

- Ladder-specific default rules can be found at the top of each ladder's scoreboard on this page .
- Breaking any terms decided in the negotiation thread may result in a forfeit. The opposing clan may choose to win the war by forfeit or not in some cases.
- Terms decided in-game are not binding. Only those in the negotiation thread count.
- Having players with very similar names war on the same team is not allowed. The Council will decide on how similar the names are.
- Failing to turn up to a war that has been scheduled without sufficient warning will result in the offending clan being dropped by two ranks.

The first attack:

- Players cannot stall adrenaline in the time between they enter the arena and the round's first clash.
- The first attack in a matched war may not commence until both clans have the same numbers (unless one clan has fewer than 10). A rematch will ensue if this rule is broken the first time. If broken again, the offending clan forfeits.

- The suggested (not a strict rule) turns for a best of 3 match are:
---- Round 1 - challenging clan attacks
---- Round 2 - challenging clan defends
---- Round 3 - north spawn attacks

Clam Enigma's evil twin | Council of the RS
arring League


01-Oct-2015 09:12:14 - Last edited on 14-Nov-2016 00:30:39 by Calm Enigma

Calm Enigma

Calm Enigma

Forum Moderator Posts: 10,882 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile

- Clans deemed inactive will be moved to the bottom of all ladders they are in. A period of inactivity is defined as follows:
--- If a clan declines 3 challenges in a row
--- If a clan does not accept or make any challenges for 3 months

- Clans deemed inactive for two consecutive periods may be removed from the RSW

Clam Enigma's evil twin | Council of the RS
arring League


01-Oct-2015 09:12:15 - Last edited on 03-Jun-2016 10:17:01 by Calm Enigma

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