I'm not aware of any video which features anything I wrote. If any exist they were not made with my knowledge or approval.
Sorry to hear that you were hacked though. To get started again there's a great sticky thread on moneymaking tips at the top of this forum. Once you have some money, you can think about merchanting.
Also, make sure your account and computer security is sorted out! Check out the Account Help forum for more on this. Good luck.
this guide is completely wrong. if 2 ppl are selling a rune 2h 1 for 38k 1 for 36k. i offer 100k it will cost me 38k not 36k. if i sell a rune 2 hander for 1 gold it will sell for 36k and not 38k. you have it backwards my man.
^ Sorry to say, but that is not true. Lower sells (and higher buys) will always be completed FIRST in the GE.
It always finds the best deal at any given time for the people using it. If you put a rune 2h in the GE for 100K it would likely never sell even if someone offered 1m for it because there will always be much lower sells.