Diamond in the Rough can be advanced with only a small HP gain. (or none, if you have 1 dart still lying around).
What I did, is use a weapon poison potion together with a low-damage weapon, hitting the bandits once then running away until they healed from being out of combat. If the weapon damage applied the poison, the bandit will give no xp if it dies to poison after healing fully from the fight reset. (poison is not cleared when the battle is reset)
The tricky part here is, you need to be using a weapon that is weak enough to not 1-hit the bandits with 1 attack + poison proc, but at the same time it has to be strong enough to apply decent poison damage to its target. In my tests, a Bronze Dagger at 1/1 Attack and Strength (48 dmg rating) only applied 2-4 poison damage per proc, insufficient to kill the bandit before the poison expires. A Chargebow (91 dmg) applied 6-14 poison damage, enough to kill the bandits within the timer, but ran the risk of 1-hitting the bandits even at 0/1 ranged with a critical hit. The best I was able to achieve, was with Bronze Javelins (74 dmg), which c*it in the low 80's, enough for the bandits to survive 1 poison proc before healing back to full. (Caution: do not have
other items equipped that boost damage, or you run the risk of 1-hitting the bandits.)
The Bandit King however, seems to be poison immune, so he has to be either killed normally
( ~12 HP exp according to wikia) or darted.
19-Oct-2015 08:50:52