A 'Rare' name is just a name with a meaning behind it in my opinion, if it's just a few letters put together to get a short name that some people consider 'rare' then it's pointless and has no meaning therefore not 'rare'.
Roan, Tanyele, Zakery, Shyley, Amkar, Estrel? How are ANY of those real names? As far as I know, none of those are in-game at all, and none of them are any words I recognize...
to support my idea to make the Chronicle Absorption prayer useful!
to support replacing the Lumbridge Crater!
I've had a few people say names like mine are rare, however i disagree :p
If it was 'Level 7' then maybe it would be good but 'Combat 7' doesnt seem that rare to me, even though i plan to get to 7 Combat and then stay at that
@Iron sickle
Iron sickle, I haven't put your name on the list because I don't think it is known by everyone and I don't consider it to be rare.
So you won't put an in-game item, an iron sickle, on the list because you don't know it, but you'll put real life names that most people have never heard of?
to support my idea to make the Chronicle Absorption prayer useful!
to support replacing the Lumbridge Crater!