I'm trying to make some ruby necklaces, but I can't for the life of me work out how to do so anymore. No matter what I try, I'm not getting the option. It's really ticking me off.
Here's a play-by-play:
1) Deposited gold ore into the metal bank
2) Smelted said gold into bars
3) Went and got my rubies (14 of them, unnoted)
4) Went back to the forge
5) Clicked the forge, didn't see any jewellery options
6) Withdrew the gold bars in unnoted form
7) Repeated step 5), no success
8) Searched high and low on the wiki, no success
9) Swore at the game
10) Came here for help
What on earth have I been doing wrong? I've got a necklace mould in my toolbelt already, so it's not that. Help me out!
14-Jan-2019 04:28:56