______________________• † The Guide To Alt Code News † •______________________
#4 I have added a Laptop guide on how to do mouse keys!!! I hope you enjoy it. It is located on the 10th post of the 2nd page. I have also shifted the 2nd page posts down one, everything is still in the same order
. Finally I am possibly going to add a guide on how to use alt codes on Think-Pads
. Thank you for your feedback and coming to me when you have problems, it just makes it easier for others (and the problem is usually solved
______________________• † The Guide To Alt Code News † •______________________
#4.5 I have added a Laptop guide on how to do mouse keys!!! I hope you enjoy it. It is located on the 10th post of the 2nd page. I have also shifted the 2nd page posts down one, everything is still in the same order
. ~~~~I have Just added the Think-Pad guide on the 2nd page first post
. Enjoy!~~~~ Thank you for your feedback and coming to me when you have problems, it just makes it easier for others (and the problem is usually solved