"Inb4 Ringwraith gets both fmod/Pmod"
Inb4 not, knowing the rate of FMod recruitment this is probably it for the whole year lol. Grats Joke...but you've already seen my message on 181-182-680-63927710.
Euww! Two Fmods! >.<
Seriously though Joke (can one even have a serious joke? ^^), great to see you greened at last! Well deserved.
Ring, I had 350k, and spent it on bumping up some of my lowest levels a bit, and getting prayer up to 70 (always fancied myself as a grave blesser! lol).
AKA: Arbr**** Vie
Please also remove the filter from our siggies Jagex!
03-Oct-2012 07:45:46
- Last edited on
03-Oct-2012 07:46:13