*Sheds a single tear*
We're going to miss you terribly, especially your smiling face in Tech Support everyday. <3
Best of luck with your studies though, I don't think I'd personally be able to discipline myself enough to not check the forums everyday! This year has personally gone super fast though, so I'm sure you'll be back and chatting to us all again in no time.
Max, D: we will miss you, those times....ahhh, how could I forget? we had so much fun together, don't even forget those skype calls with Nate
, I hope you finish your studies soon enough and come back to us, hehe
. take care Max.
Now, this is my turn for my good bye post, I am now in grade 11 scientific section at school, I am only 1 class away (grade 12, general science) and I'm heading off to University, I have decided to errr.... decrease my game-play to focus more on my studies and school work, because I will be applying the S.A.T exam this year hopefully and then will focus on achieving a good score on my report card to get accepted in the G.s (General science) class and then after that receive an acception with a good score at the A.U.B ( American University Of Beirut), this is truly sad for me to say...but on the bright side, I will be playing everyday hopefully, maybe go on an hour or so...but on the weekends I think I can be on for around 3 hours or so, that is all for now, It's really hard for me to do so, But I need to put my priorities first , I have had so much fun in the PH, and alot of fun with you guys, Have fun mates, and I wish you guys some happy scaping! Take care everyone
. I do think that I can be a slightly more active in the xmas vacation, until then I will stay as I am, bye
30-Sep-2012 15:49:43
- Last edited on
30-Sep-2012 15:55:45
Hi my na6573