Name (Full Display Name):
Nickname (What we should call you):
Tyler or TylerDurden is fine
Combat Level:
Agility Level:
Thieving Level:
Herblore Level:
Timezone (Optional):
What is our motto? (See Post 2!): [/yellow]You can test our Faith, but you can't take our Pride.[/yellow]
Can you summarize our language policy? (See Post 8!):
The Language policy states that while some profanity is allowed if me or anyone is asked to stop it stops. Profanity and vulgar language should never be directed at another member of the clan and respect should be used.
Name One Method of Earning Points (See Post 7!):
Attending Missions
We prefer that private chat is set to On. Can you do this?: I can do this, though i do turn it to friends while in GE for spam bot purposes flooding my chat.
Can you inform us if you have any concerns or issues?
only concern i have is i am about to move to a different time zone and start a new job, idk how much ill be on during this time and ability to attend missions though after i am settled ill be off on weekends and able to attend almost every mission.
How'd you hear about us? (List any recruiters here!):
LFC thread, Toxicsmurf18 was the recruiter
Anything else you want to add:
I look forward to being part of this clan