= Exam Report =
Student Who Took Exam: Fairy
Exam Type: Water Level One
Student's Agility Level: 78
Student's Thieving Level: 75
Student's Herblore Level: 79
Points Requirement Met? (Y/N): Y
Current Rank: Mizuni, Water Level Two
Supervised by: S4
kyle19 and InContext
Capping Mission
50min, 80min
Supervised by: DarkDoomOrb and Love Spark
Points Awarded: 5 points awarded to InContext for Citadel Capping (.83x), supervised by Doom and Spark.
8 points awarded to kyle19 for Citadel Capping (1.33x), supervised by Doom.
Supervised by: DarkDoomOrb
Points Awarded: 6 points awarded to Sliskie for Conquest, supervised by Doom.
Student(s): Zike, Ice Goblin66, and Zeck683.
Activity: Zike's 99 Attack Party
Activity's Rank: C
Duration: N/A
Supervised by: Jen and Jake
Points Awarded: 4 points awarded to Zike, Ice Goblin66, and Zeck683 for Zike's 99 Attack Party, supervised by Jen and Jake.
Which RuneScape God are you going to follow coming this May? (Also would love to hear your reasons why!)
A) Zamorak
B) Zaros
C) Saradomin
D) Armadyl
E) Bandos
F) Edicts of Guthix
G) Seren
X) Sliske
Reason: Sliske is not a god in the traditional sense, but still powerful nonetheless. He is shrouded in mystery and delves in the shadows which is exactly what should be expected of ninjas