So I was in the Clan CC and Zeck or soemone kicked me when all i wished them was merry christmas. I have been hanging out in the Clan CC for over a week now thinking about joining.
Hey BrightenBlue,
Merry Christmas! I'm sorry you have been kicked :C Pm me in game, and we can get this resolved.
Shikimoko4 | Leader
Rogue Ninja Civilization Thread | Clan Chat: Rogue Ninja Civ | Discord: Shikimoko4 #9894
† You can test our Faith, but you can't take our Pride. †
Student(s): Capital, Zeck
Activity: Wilderness Warbands
Activity's Rank: C
Duration: 4 rounds
Supervised by: Jen, Mot, Put, and Wit
Points Awarded: 16 points awarded to Capital and Zeck for Wilderness Warbands (4 rounds), supervised by Jen, Mot, Put, and Wit.
= Mission Report =
Student(s): Zeck
Activity: World Event 2
Activity's Rank: B
Duration: 1 hour
Supervised by: Put, Mot, Jen, and Wit.
Points Awarded: 6 points awarded to Zeck for the World Event 2, supervised by Put, Mot, Jen, and Wit.
= Mission Report =
Student(s): IMSOMADBRO
Activity: Stealing Creation
Activity's Rank: C
Duration: 5 rounds
Supervised by: Tanner and Wit.
Points Awarded: 20 points awarded to IMSOMADBRO for Stealing Creation (5 rounds), supervised by Tanner and Wit.
Shikimoko4 | Leader
Rogue Ninja Civilization Thread | Clan Chat: Rogue Ninja Civ | Discord: Shikimoko4 #9894
† You can test our Faith, but you can't take our Pride. †
Name (Full Display Name): Wobble
Nickname (What we should call you): Wobble will do
Combat Level: 154
Agility Level: 91
Thieving Level: 62
Herblore Level: 40
Timezone (Optional): GMT
What is our motto? (See Post 2!): You may test our faith, but you'll never take our pride
Can you summarize our language policy? (See Post 8!): That if you use profanity you must stop if someone asks you to. Be polite and do not direct vulgarity at other clanmembers
Name One Method of Earning Points (See Post 7!): Going to meetings, doing missions etc
We prefer that private chat is set to On. Can you do this?: Certainly
Can you inform us if you have any concerns or issues?: Yes I can
How'd you hear about us? (List any recruiters here!): I was a member of this clan about 2 years ago and have got membership back
Anything else you want to add: Does Shiki still edit the forums?
Wobble. Ashdale Knights
Citadel Football League
Student(s): FrenzyChoas, and Kyle19
Activity: Capping
Activity's Rank: B
Duration: 1 Hour
Supervised by: Lost
Points Awarded: 5 points awarded to Choas for Capping, supervised by: Lost
6 points awarded Kyle for Capping, supervised by: Lost
Rogue Ninja Civilization Thread
| Clan Chat: Rogue Ninja Civ | Discord: Lostdream #4855
† You can test our Faith, but you can't take our Pride. †
Hey Wobbles it's good to see you again! Shiki does edit, but understandably is very busy with college and work like me and many other of the "old" ranks. There is still plenty of people around to host and keep things lively though, so just ask around if you have any questions.
Name (Full Display Name): Ragmore4
Nickname (What we should call you): Justin
Combat Level: 200?
Agility Level: 85 i think
Thieving Level: 79
Herblore Level: can't remember, atleast 90
Timezone (Optional): central
What is our motto? (See Post 2!): You can test our Faith, but you can't take our Pride!
Can you summarize our language policy? (See Post 8!): Don't be dumb
Name One Method of Earning Points (See Post 7!): Missions
We prefer that private chat is set to On. Can you do this?: Yeah
Can you inform us if you have any concerns or issues? Yes
How'd you hear about us? (List any recruiters here!): Can't remember
Anything else you want to add?: