RSN: x Poiison x
Wealth: currently 2mil, ive lost alot due to merching clans and false merchanting
Merchanting Experience: Ive been in Jump GP, and Smokin Mils for almost 3 years+
Why you should Join: id like to join so i can make some money, some friends, and possibly my new merch clan.
How many years have you played Rs: 6 years, plenty accounts have gotten hacked.
Able to join the Official Clan Chat(must not be in current Clan) : yes
Hey Shaan, I got an invite to the clan but I got scammed my bank and sort of rage quitted Runescape for about a week. I got account back though and would love to get a re-invite!
RSN: 0nyam0m24-7
Wealth: 20m
Merchanting Experience:some never really tried but fliped some
Why you should Join:to have a friendly environment with a money makeing chance
How many years have you played Rs: 5-6yrs on and off
Able to join the Official Clan Chat(must not be in current Clan) : yes gladlyy
RSN: Bings Friend
Wealth: 200m
Merchanting Experience: Some flips
Why you should Join: it looks cool
How many years have you played Rs: 9
Able to join the Official Clan Chat(must not be in current Clan) :yes