RSN: JuggaloProd
Wealth: 35m
Merchanting Experience: Flipping and merchanting on a daily basis. Even before ge.
Why you should Join: Im online every day and im trustworthy.
How many years have you played Rs: 9 years
RSN: embalming
Wealth: 1.5b liquid wealth (Private investmets= 5b+)
Merchanting Experience: 4-5 years both merchanting and flipping
Why you should Join: i want to join clan tht I can fit into.
How many years have you played Rs: 7 years
RSN: StaTicReborn
Wealth: 10mil
Merchanting Experience: i have flipped for awhile on my main account before i was hacked, i also was good at predicting long term invest.
Why you should Join: i want to jon to get back into the merching trade.
How many years have you played Rs: i have played runescape since 2006.
RSN: ii oreo
Wealth: around 200m
Merchanting Experience: familiar, but never did it too much
Why you should Join: i have a santa and just want to make more money so i can achieve some of my upcoming 99's
How many years have you played Rs: 7-8 years
RSN: Pm_Miner
Wealth: 14-15 mill (14mill cash + Dragon Hatchet + Abyssal whip)
Merchanting Experience: Flip merching, also tried some long term merching about a year ago
Why you should Join: I have been flip merching and I wish to be in a clan that we can all share good items to flip merch and have a good long-term merch product
How many years have you played Rs: About 6-8 years (Had about a 1 & a half year break but I'm addicted to runescape again!)
Extra information:
I try my best to log on everyday (Even at school as I have a tafe ********) I am easy to get along with and love to share information that would benefit anyone else. (I went about an hour out of my way to help some people more than once)
Also I am a good advertiser.
I hope you accept this application! I am in game right now and hope to hear a reply from you guys.
RSN: buffalojosh
Wealth: 80m+
Merchanting Experience: around 2 years
Why you should Join: i want to learn more in merching
How many years have you played Rs:arond 4 years
RSN: Rouguechaos
Wealth: 18mil
Merchanting Experience: A small amount
Why you should Join: Because i am committed, want to make money and am good fun to chat to.
How many years have you played Rs: on and off for a long time!
RSN: 1pure2str6
Wealth: 50m
Merchanting Experience: have been flipping since the G.E, was introduced to runescape.
Why you should Join: Trust worthy, friendly, and seroius when it comes to the merchenting and disscusions. Always ready to make a profit.
How many years have you played Rs: 9 years.