
Sc Safe Non Combat Sc v5 Thread is locked

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Drink Tea

Drink Tea

Posts: 1,429 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Sc Safe Non Combat Stealing Creation Clan
Founded: June, 10th 2011
<> Introduction <>
ATTENTION: Games are closed for now. Sorry. See last page
Welcome Everyone!
Sc Safe is a non combat Stealing Creation clan. Our non combat stealing creation
games offer you a FAST, SAFE and most importantly FUN way to spend your time at
Stealing Creations. Although there are so many Non Combat clans to choose from
Sc_Safe offers a family like environment where you can have fun and meet wonderful
friends that you will talk to forever, while earning those good old Stealing Creation
If this sounds like the type of Stealing Creation games you want then this clan might
be prefect for you!
Drink Tea

Founded by:
Drink Tea
Simply Ali

Friend Chat: Sc_Safe
World: 100
Quick Rules Overview (for full detail on each rule please see post 1.3)
Rule 1: No Combat.***
Rule 2: No Pickpocketing.**
Rule 3: No Wearing Armour unless CURE.*
Rule 4: No Barriers.*
Rule #5. Be on Home-world during games.**
Rule 6: No Freeloading.*
Rule 7: No Prayer.*
Rule 8: Be Respectful.**
Rule 9: No Recruiting Other Clans.**
Rule 10: Stand at the eastern side. (wall) in the eastern stealing creation pen.(the
large one)*
Rule 11: No Quickchat or Spam in Pen (read below)*
Rule 12: Rejoin “Sc_Safe” Friend Chat, After game begins.*
Rule 13: Wield a bow with no arrows (by 18 minutes on stealing creation game clock)*
Rule 14: No Sc Clan Multi Ranking*****
Drink Tea

Sc Safe Owner

04-Aug-2012 00:00:26 - Last edited on 21-Jan-2013 21:33:00 by Drink Tea

Drink Tea

Drink Tea

Posts: 1,429 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
<> Thread Contents <>
How to use: Example: 1.1
The page number is before the period (.) and the post number(#) is after so in this
case 1.1 is on Page 1 post, number 1.
Thread Page 1 - Index Page.
1.1 ----- Introduction
1.2 ----- Thread Table of Contents
1.3 ----- Rules - Part 1
1.4 ----- Rules - Part 2
1.5 ----- Rules - Part 3 & Punishments
1.6 ----- Playing with Sc Safe
1.7 ----- Playing with Sc Safe - Part 2
1.8 ----- Playing with Sc Safe - Part 3
1.9 ----- Sc Safe's Rank List
1.10 ----- Retired & Honored Ranks
Thread Page 2 - Guides, Host Guide and RBP list Page.
2.1 ----- Guide to Recruiting & Starting Games
2.2 ----- Guide to Clay Calling
2.3 ----- Guide to Rank Supporting
2.4 ----- Guide to Rank Supporting - Part 2
2.5 ----- HOST Guide
2.6 ----- HOST Guide - Part 2
2.7 ----- Reserved
2.8 ----- Reserved
2.9 ----- Reserved
2.10 ----- Reserved
Thread Page 3 - Squad and Cure Information Page.
3.1 ----- Squad Rank Guide
3.2 ----- Squad Rank Guide - Part 2
3.3 ----- Squad Rank Expectations
3.4 ----- Squad Rank Application
3.5 ----- Cure Introduction (Cure Guide)
3.6 ----- How to be a Cure - Parts 1 & 2: (Cure Guide)
3.7 ----- How to be a Cure - Part 3 (Cure Guide)
3.8 ----- How to be a Cure - Part 4 (Cure guide)
3.9 ----- Cure Rank Application
3.10 ----- Cure Rank Expectations
Thread Page 4 Supervisor and Star Rank Information
4.1 ----- Role of a Supervisor
4.2 ----- Supervisor Rank Application
4.3 ----- Supervisor Report
4.4 ----- Supervisor Rank Expectations
4.5 ----- Star Rank Expectations
4.6 ----- Reserved
4.7 ----- Reserved
4.8 ----- Reserved
5.9 ----- Reserved
5.10 ----- Reserved
Drink Tea

Sc Safe Owner

04-Aug-2012 00:00:47 - Last edited on 04-Aug-2012 00:25:20 by Drink Tea

Drink Tea

Drink Tea

Posts: 1,429 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
<> Rules - Part 1 <>
For the penalties of breaking rules please see the bottom of the next post.
Rule #1. No Combat.***
This means no attacking or fighting. We play non-combat SC the whole point of which is to have no combat. If someone attacks you, you may not fight back it is the CURE team's job to handle this.
Rule #2. No Pickpocketing.**
We understand that some non-combat SC clans allow pickpocketing in order to share clay between teams however this can lead to issues and drama that just is not needed in non-combat SC games. If you need clay then ask kindly from someone on your current team as long as they have the type of clay you require plus some extra they are normally willing to share with you.

Rule #3. No Wearing Armour Unless CURE.*
We understand that you feel that you want to be protected in the case of a pker, this is the reason we have the CURE team. at the beginning of every game the people who are CUREing will be announced please pay close attention because these players ARE allowed to wear armour however anyone else wearing armour needs to be reported in the clan chat because they could be a potential PKer.
Rule #4. No Barriers.*
The whole point of non-combat stealing creations is not only for non-combat SC games but also to make games go faster.
Rule #5. Be on Home-world during games.**
During games all non ranks must be on world 100, this is not the case after games are done. You will be kicked if you ignore us or do not follow this rule. Ranks may stay no matter the world for observation.
Rule #6. No Freeloading.*
Freeloading is not collecting team and just doing nothing. Even if you have a large amount of a score in the current SC game we ask kindly for you to keep collecting if you do not want the high score then feel free to share some of your clay with other people in your team they would be grateful. Just please do not freeload.
Continued on next post.
Drink Tea

Sc Safe Owner

04-Aug-2012 00:01:14 - Last edited on 04-Aug-2012 03:26:18 by Drink Tea

Drink Tea

Drink Tea

Posts: 1,429 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
<> Rules - Part 2 <>
Rule #7. No Prayer.*
This is non-combat stealing creations, there is no need for prayer of any kind. Prayer is meant to be a form of defence if someone is attacking you therefore in non-combat stealing creation games they are just not needed. Please do not use them or you will be thought of as a pker and may result in a game sit out.
Rule #8. Be Respectful/Be Nice, or Be Gone**
We want our clan to stay the family like environment that it currently is and in order for that we ask for people take arguments to not be in the Friends chat. Please do not swear because we get people from different ages in our FC.
Rule #9. No recruiting other clans.*
We do not wish for people to talk about other clans or to recruit other clans within our friend chat. This creates spam and people need to see important clay calls. If you need to tell a fellow clan-mate about a clan (EX: Effigy Clan), then please use the private messaging system in game.
Rule #10. Please be at the eastern wall/side in the pen.*
When you are in the outside pens make sure you are in the clan side pen (the larger one). during this time if there is a game going on please ask for the open cc after you are ready and in the open clan chat or the closed clan chat then please go to the eastern side of this pen. From the eastern side of the pen you will need to wait for the game to start, this may time a long time please be patient.
Rule #11. No Spam or Quick-Chat in the SC Pens* or **
Even if you are playing or not we need the pen area to be as silent as possible not doing this will cause you in being sat out from between 1 game to 1 hour.
Rule #12. Rejoin “Sc_Safe” Friend Chat when SC Games begin*
You need to rejoin the Sc_Safe friend chat after the Stealing Creation game. This allows everyone to see who is in the game and for everyone to know if there is a pker or where the sacred clay locations are.
See next post
Drink Tea

Sc Safe Owner

04-Aug-2012 00:01:24 - Last edited on 04-Aug-2012 00:48:23 by Drink Tea

Drink Tea

Drink Tea

Posts: 1,429 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
<> Rules - Part 3 <>
Rule #13. Have a bow wielded by 18 minutes on the clock.*
During our and if you were to join other non-combat SC clans we require you to have a bow wielded the whole game without wielding any arrows. The reason we have this rule and how important it is, because everyone miss-clicks and if you accidentally click on a player from the opposite team then when you are wielding a bow with no arrows it will not allow you to attack while it would attack if you did not have a bow on or if you had arrows wielded.
Rule #14 No Multi-Ranking with other Non Combat Sc clans*****
If you are a rank in another non combat stealing creation clan please resign from that one before applying for a rank with us.
If you are currently a rank with us and become ranked with another non combat stealing creation clan, your rank will be removed so if you wish to leave please resign beforehand. Trying to be a rank in both Non Combat clans however, is a ban.

<> Punishments <>
For punishments look at the title's for the rules and you can see the punishments for them.
Sit-Out - The act of being kept out of games. People who are on sit out's are not allowed to play our SC games. If they attempt then their punishment may be longer.
(*) 1 Game sit-out
If another rule or same rule is broken then see "(**)"
(**) 1 hour Sit-out and Kick from the Sc Safe Friend Chat
If another rule or same rule is broken then see "(***)"
(***) 24 Hour game sit-out and are not allowed in the Sc Safe Friend Chat for 24 hours.
If another rule or same rule is broken then see "(****)"
(****)One Week Ban sit-out and are not allowed in the Sc Safe Friend Chat for 168 hours.
If another rule or same rule is broken then see "(****)"
(*****) One MONTH Game sit-out and Sc Safe friend chat ban.
Drink Tea

Sc Safe Owner

04-Aug-2012 00:01:26 - Last edited on 04-Aug-2012 00:49:25 by Drink Tea

Drink Tea

Drink Tea

Posts: 1,429 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
<> Playing with Sc_Safe <>
1. Go to Stealing Creations at the gamer's grotto, you may use a games necklace to do this.
2. To begin with, Sc Safe uses a Friend Chat for the main chat to talk into, you can enter this by joining Sc Safe friend chat (be sure not to enter clan chat).
3. See if there is a stealing creation game going on to do this simply when you are in the friend chat ask "Are there any Sc games currently going on or in the process of starting?". You should get a answer if however you do not, try to private message a rank and they should know.
4. If there is a game going then then kindly ask for the starting friend chats, if you have been cure trained by a rank in our clan then feel free to include that you are cure trained so that the supervisor can assign you accordingly. It is the supervisors job to assign cures no one else may do this even if it is a rank asking. A Supervisor has the right to have trained cures go in the open friend chat. In the end you will be given a friend chat that you will need to join.
5. If you have never played Stealing creations before please say in the clan chat "I need help I am new, I read the thread but I still need further instruction" or something of this matter.
6. You now have the starting friend chat that you need to join. If a game is going on than wait until someone says "1 minute in game remaining" or "Ending". This signals that the current Stealing Creation game will be ending within a minute. During this time go into the open friend chat, which you were assigned to. You will need to leave Sc_Safe Friend chat first.
Continued on next post.
Drink Tea

Sc Safe Owner

04-Aug-2012 00:01:28 - Last edited on 04-Aug-2012 03:26:53 by Drink Tea

Drink Tea

Drink Tea

Posts: 1,429 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
<> Playing with Sc_Safe - Part 2 <>
7. Enter the clan side stealing creation pen (the biggest of the 3 fenced in areas). When you are in the starting friend chat (make sure to double check), please head to the eastern side of the fenced pen. This shows us that you are ready to begin to play failure to do these steps may result in you missing a game or being sat out for not obeying the rules.
8. People should start coming out of the portal on the stage in the center of the SC lobby. Wait for everyone to be at the east wall. There should only be 2, sometimes 3 people who are not at the eastern wall. These people include the 2 starting friend chat hosts, and sometimes the current supervisor.
9. When the supervisor gives the okay, the game will begin. You will find yourself in a “base”. The 2 types of bases are red and blue. You need to get out of your base and then look around for level 1 fragment’s which will look like a pile of bones.
10. After you have around 3 then head to the nearest “kiln”. It looks like a miniature grand exchange but is white with no hollow center.
11. When you reach the kiln make a bow and some tools. Look around for different kind of clay to collect and as you collect high leveled fragments then make high level tools.
Continued on next post.
Drink Tea

Sc Safe Owner

04-Aug-2012 00:01:29 - Last edited on 04-Aug-2012 00:51:23 by Drink Tea

Drink Tea

Drink Tea

Posts: 1,429 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
<> Playing with Sc_Safe - Part 3 <>
12. The point is to collect as much as you can in the amount of time given.

13. You will notice that as the game continues on more and more fragments start to “die”. After all the fragments are gone the clock will suddenly go from the current time to 1 minute remaining. At this time you should head back to your team colours base (red is north-east, blue is south-west).

14. Click the center table to deposit all your items which will give you more then triple the amount of points you currently have. The goal is to get more than 20,000 score each game. This will ensure you to earn 1 SC reward for every game of SC.

15. Rejoin the starting friend chats; make sure that they have not changed.

16. Repeat (Skipping a few steps that you now know)
If you have any questions please feel free to contact any member of the star ranks, they want to help.
Drink Tea

Sc Safe Owner

04-Aug-2012 00:01:33 - Last edited on 04-Aug-2012 00:51:42 by Drink Tea

Drink Tea

Drink Tea

Posts: 1,429 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
<> Sc_Safe Ranks List <>
Total Ranks: 25
~~ Generals (Gold Star)(1): ~~
Drink Tea - Owner - Supervisor Rank General - Partial Medical Leave

~~Captains (Silver Star)(2): ~~

~~Lieutenants (Bronze Star)(2): ~~
Slicer508 - Squad Rank & Cure Rank Lieutenant
~~Sergeants (Supervisor Rank)(5): ~~
Arcane Reign
Ashflower ---- On Leave

~~Corporals (Cure Rank)(11): ~~
Bx landkill
Good Wolf45
I Carebox I
I Roxas I
Mad Demon 99
Maidensassy -------- Supervisor Rank Applicant
UFO Crash

~~Recruits (Squad Rank)(1): ~~
~~ Rank Applicants(2)(Smiley): ~~
Skydragon11 - Squad
Lucky Liam33 - Squad
~~Smiley Face (Trusted players that play with us often) (3): ~~
Stud Muphen
Drink Tea

Sc Safe Owner

04-Aug-2012 00:01:34 - Last edited on 23-Oct-2012 02:55:58 by Drink Tea

Drink Tea

Drink Tea

Posts: 1,429 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
<> Honored Retired Ranks <>
The following are people who are no longer with us or are currently inactive, followed by their role with the clan.
(Order of retiring)
Simply Ali - General - Co-Owner & Cure General.
Cuteycool1 - General - Co-Owner & Host General.
Ze Fey - Captain - Host & Cure Captain.
Dylan E1990 - Lieutenant.
Vechtyas - Lieutenant.
Cyan Candy - Lieutenant.
A Tool Box - General - Cure General.
A Coffee Man - Captain - Squad Captain.
Migwag - Lieutenant - Squad Lieutenant.
Mage Xiao - Captain - RBP List Captain.
Iouaname - Sergeant.
Armadyl Void - General - Co-Owner & Cure General.
RawPrecision - Captain - Undisputed Supreme Cure
We have had a total of 400+ ranks with us within our time. Not all of them make the retired list. Some ranks were banned due to change of heart and mind. Others quit without giving us notice. Some for the time they spent with us, did not deserve such rank.
Thank you everyone who has shared time with Sc Safe and thank you even more for the people listed above.
Drink Tea

Sc Safe Owner

04-Aug-2012 00:01:36 - Last edited on 04-Aug-2012 03:28:10 by Drink Tea

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