1**** Name: 01DMan (previously Worfoxx89)
2. Total Wealth: 150m
3. Merchanting Experience: Little to none
4. How often do you play Runescape: Every single day regardless of work schedule, If im working i play roughly 6-10 hours. If its an Off day, i play for 10-14 hours.
5. Why are you joining the clan: I'm joining because i have always had an interest in Merching and flipping but i have never had the capability nor the knowledge to do so. When ever i ask for advice, i don't get it because they wish to keep there secrets, well Secret. lol. I'm looking to get my Non-combat skills up and it is hard to do that without Money and even with bossing the money income isn't enough and goes by rather quick.
6. Will you be respectful towards others in the clan chat: I will as long as i am treated the same. You get what you give i guess you can say.
04-Jan-2016 00:14:58