**** Name: you see ice
2. Total Wealth: 1mill plus
3. Merchanting Experience: not much open to learn
4. How often do you play Runescape: everyday as much as possible
5. Why are you joining the clan: Money/Fun and the ability to buy things without worrying if ill have enough money for it or asking my freinds for a loan
6. Will you be respectful towards others in the clan chat: Yes i will always respect any of my clan members
3. Merchanting Experience: Had around 500m in Runescape around 2012 when I quit, recently came back. Currently finance/business major and have 3 years of stock market experience that I have been applying to the GE.
4. How often do you play Runescape: Most of the day but multitasking with school work and other games, mostly spend time flipping
5. Why are you joining the clan: Recently came back 5 days ago, started with 5k and have merched up to 6m. I'm looking to make some new friends while I continue merching.
6. Will you be respectful towards others in the clan: Of Course
1. C*kness
2. Around 60+ m
3. Some merching experience. Solid flipper.
4. 2hrs+ a day
5. To make money and be part of an in-game community.
6. Of course. I'm looking to meet in-game people and create helpful relationships.