Hey man, it's been a while. How have you been? Do you still talk to that girl? Man she was wild. I remember this one time I was in 9th grade, and I was friends with a girl named Kristina in 11th grade who had a car. She would pick me up before school and drive me to and from, along with another guy and another girl. We(as a group) would often go out on adventures after school, to the park, to the city, or just whatever we decided to do to waste time. On one particular day I had a fantastic idea and told Kristina to stop in a residential neighborhood. She parked on the street and my friends watched from just outside the car. I rang the doorbell and I don't even remember who answered the door, but they watched me the whole time as I said, "I'm Calisme from the Calisme foundation and we're here to offer you a free sample of FUNK," and started dancing a in very rambunctious and unorganized way. After about 30 seconds I stopped and said "For $5 I'll give you another minute, for $20 I'll come up to your room." They said no and I walked away back to the car and we drove away, laughing the whole way.
I repeated that a few times, and actually had someone give me a $5 donation, but the first time I did it was definitely the funniest.
24-Dec-2012 02:27:15