But then how can she be a f2p iron
In answer to this, my 'Treemaid' account is not an Ironman account. And though it is currently F2P, it has been P2P in the past, and will no doubt be again at some point. I tend to flit between the two on Treemaid.
However, my 'Arbre de Vie' account (see post below this), is both F2P pure and Ironwoman.
Bear in mind too though, that some F2P players in the FC who are Iron, might not always have been F2P and may have some P2P features on their accounts because of that. The FC is not only aimed at Ironman players who are F2P pures, we also cater for any Iron players who are
F2P, whilst being open to anyone else who wishes to hang out in the chat, provided they respect our F2P Ironmode focus.
You'll find too by the way, that there will be some other non-iron accounts ranked in the FC. Those are the 'mains' or 'alts' of players who also have ranked Ironmode accounts in FC. Because it's the person, not the account, who we've invited to help us moderate the chat, they are ranked on as many accounts as they actively play on so that they are able to help us out in that role as much as possible.
Thanks for asking that though Kaira; I expect there are others wondering the same thing!
AKA: Arbr**** Vie
Please also remove the filter from our siggies Jagex!
28-Apr-2017 19:39:43
- Last edited on
01-May-2017 12:12:24
Just posting to confirm that what Treemaid has said above about the identity of her/my Ironwoman account is indeed the case. Don't want that post to get hidden! lol
AKA Treemaid