Yes, on the 28th of January, we will have been in existence for two whole years! It makes me feel very proud when I think of the many wonderful players who have committed themselves to this FC and contribute so much in chat to help to maintain it with the friendly, respectful, helpful and often very humorous atmosphere that we strive to achieve. My heartfelt thanks goes out to all you regulars, you know who you are, who contribute to that in any way. You are the FC! This is your celebration!
To mark the occasion, we are planning some exciting events and activities, which will be posted up in the 'FC Related' forum, and referenced here, as they are prepared. Look forward to seeing a lot more smiley's in chat for the month of February!
To start off with,
anyone who posts anniversary wishes either on this thread, or on our offsite forums anniversary thread (or preferably both!) from now until the end of February, will receive a smiley in chat, from the date of our anniversary, 28th January, until the end of February.
I hope to see a lot of happy faces in FC soon!
Mat Mase/Mueez and Radisgaacht/Rad the Mad will be getting together to arrange some very interesting and unusual awards for some of our regulars in the chat, which will involve special titles against their names in our offsite forums. Check out the offsite for more details.
Kaiser zose/Choto will be arranging a special anniversary screenshot of F2PironmanFC regulars, with as many of us photoshopped into the same picture as possible, so watch out for more information about that here or on our offsite, or if you see him in game, poke him and make sure you get into that picture! (Our special thanks to ‘Tyco Elf’ for his time and Photoshop skills which he has kindly volunteered to help us make that happen!)
There is likely to be more to come, so keep checking back to this thread for updates on our anniversary extravaganza!