
Pro Fit - Flipping Clan

Quick find code: 93-94-585-65265497

Apr Member 2013


Posts: 55 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
here is a list of items i usually flip the dragonstone i have not tried yet so its an expirement

berserker ring
zamorakian spear
dragon bones
dragon hatchet
frost bones
ragefire boots
steadfast boots
dragonfire shield
drygore long/oh
drygore rap/oh
drygore mace/oh
dharok's x 2700k
saradomin godsword
yew seeds
magic seeds
dragon full helm
dragon platebody
tooth half key
imp jars
black mask
dragon crossbow
dwarf cannon
focus sight
pharaoh's sceptre
pneumatic gloves
abyssal wand

18-Aug-2014 23:08:51



Posts: 60 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Why do you want to join our clan?
becouse i want to improve my flipping skills and have a community to talk to.

What are your current Runescape goals?
santa hat, 99 mining (long term goal)

Do you flip regularly?

Do you follow the economy of Runescape regularly?
i check the ge page every 1-2 dages

Do you like discussing prices and trends?
i would love to, but i never relly had anyone to do it with

What are some recent investments of yours?*
i never relly touch investements not that confident in that area

What items do you flip regularly
swamp lizard

Have you ever merched during 2008-2011 trade-restricted ge merchanting era? If so, how long? no

What about before free trade got removed on January 1st, 2008? If so, how long?

Do you use Pc101/Flipchat1 to flip?
very rarely

i used to always be broke never having more then 2-3m, until one day i decided to just suck it up and work, since i was lazy i didnt relly know what to do.
i quickly found flipping was a nice and fast way to get your cashpile going up
i got set and made my first 10m and i quickly made that into 50m, i loved it and thought to myself it was funny how you could get infinite money from just doing next to nothing.
unluckely my account was haccked and i quit rs for a good 2 years
when i returned i only had a 200k bank so i started mining runite ore in the dangerus wilderness and got 5m i could flip with, long story short here i stand with 63m and spend 100m on prayer so i think everything worked out. :)
Old washed up god without a job!

19-Aug-2014 19:51:43

Mar Member 2021


Posts: 167 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Why do you want to join our clan?
to make money
What are your current Runescape goals? i just wanna have fun

Do you flip regularly?not really

Do you follow the economy of Runescape regularly?
Do you like discussing prices and trends?
What are some recent investments of yours?*
no long term investments just flips
What items do you flip regularly
dhide raw food ores bars
Have you ever merched during 2008-2011 trade-restricted ge merchanting era? If so, how long?
yes i wasnt big on flipping back then was mainly bossing but i did it a good bit
What about before free trade got removed on January 1st, 2008? If so, how long?
idk how long
Do you use Pc101/Flipchat1 to flip?

19-Aug-2014 19:59:23



Posts: 1,917 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Hello to the Pro Fit Clan and clan members!

I started around the 2004-2005 era of Runescape and funny enough, I myself, flipped feathers for my first 100k just like Sa1e did! (He probably was one of my competitors lol nothing wrong with friendly competition) I did that for about a week or two before I finally reached 100k. I was so elated that I actually started giving out 10k cash stacks to random people in the Lumbridge Chicken coop area. After giving about half my cash stack I flipped again until I reached a cash stack of 100k! Since I had my 100k I ran off to Varrock to buy things that I wanted. I had reached the Dark Mage area (level 7 and 20 dark mages by the south Varrock gates) and saw people standing around killing Dark Mages. I saw some items on the ground and decided to go over to pick up those items. I ran over picked up whatever it was that was on the ground and a few seconds later I was spawned in Lumbridge with nothing but the clothes on my back and a 0 cash stack. Well lets just say those Dark Mages have scarred me for life.

I have other flipping stories too, but it will take too long to write them all down here.

Why do you want to join our clan?
I would like to learn more about the GE, such as item limits.

What are your current Runescape goals?
I would like a Red Party Hat. Who doesn't want a Party Hat?

Do you flip regularly?
Not so much anymore.

Do you follow the economy of Runescape regularly?
I only look at the price change in items I am looking to aquire.

Do you like discussing prices and trends?

What are some recent investments of yours?*
Drygore Longsword.

What items do you flip regularly

Have you ever merched during 2008-2011 trade-restricted ge merchanting era? If so, how long?

What about before free trade got removed on January 1st, 2008? If so, how long?
Yes, a couple months.

Do you use Pc101/Flipchat1 to flip?
I've never used a FC to flip.
Does not wear pants because not everything is a teaser, but many things are.

20-Aug-2014 08:13:35



Posts: 486 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Why do you want to join our clan?To make much more gp then i currently have

What are your current Runescape goals?All 6 t90 weapons at the moment

Do you flip regularly?yes

Do you follow the economy of Runescape regularly?yes

Do you like discussing prices and trends?yes

What are some recent investments of yours?*

What items do you flip regularly

Have you ever merched during 2008-2011 trade-restricted ge merchanting era? If so, how long?no i did not play much durring then

What about before free trade got removed on January 1st, 2008? If so, how long?a did a bit but i was a noob back then lol

Do you use Pc101/Flipchat1 to flip?never have no

31-Aug-2014 20:02:24

Enter Rift2

Enter Rift2

Posts: 2 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Why do you want to join our clan? I tried flipping a couple years back and was only slightly successful. I would love to learn the trade!

What are your current Runescape goals? Currently, I am working heavily on Slayer and Range.

Do you flip regularly? About 2 years ago, yes. Nowadays, not so much.

Do you follow the economy of Runescape regularly? Try to!

Do you like discussing prices and trends? It's a pretty big interest. Would be nice to find others that do the same.

What are some recent investments of yours?* N/A (just started playing again)

What items do you flip regularly: N/A

Have you ever merched during 2008-2011 trade-restricted ge merchanting era? If so, how long? I did a little bit during this time but not a whole lot. I would say for a couple of months.

What about before free trade got removed on January 1st, 2008? If so, how long? No sir.

Do you use Pc101/Flipchat1 to flip? Since I am unaware of what this is I think I can safely say no.

A little about myself:

I started playing when I was 12 years old (2004). LOVED the game. Played it non stop for a couple of years. Then stopped for a few months, would play a few months, repeat. Then I got big into the game again in about 2008 and played constantly for a few years. Was around for all of the BIG changes in Runescape. I still played through those and then I stopped playing in 2012 for a couple of years. Starting two weeks ago or so I started back up. Came back to a new combat system as well as other changes. At first I HATED it but have grown use to it and am glad to be back to the game I have played for years. Only down side to this story: My main was at some point in that 2 year break hacked and then banned, permanently. He had roughly 50M and hours upon hours of work that is now, gone.

Other than that, feels good to be back!

31-Aug-2014 20:54:40



Posts: 24 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Why do you want to join our clan?
I have had bad luck with friendly clans and I love to flip.

What are your current Runescape goals?
Get a few more 99's and have fun finding good margins in the G***

** you flip regularly?

Do you follow the economy of Runescape regularly?

Do you like discussing prices and trends?

What are some recent investments of yours?*
Had some smithing materials I picked up for 25% less than market. Sold for 10% above market.

What items do you flip regularly
Skilling resources and amours

Have you ever merched during 2008-2011 trade-restricted ge merchanting era? If so, how long?
Yes, For roughly half a year.

What about before free trade got removed on January 1st, 2008? If so, how long?

Do you use Pc101/Flipchat1 to flip?

01-Sep-2014 04:02:30

Mr Pdz

Mr Pdz

Posts: 244 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
GodOfRandoms - I regret to inform you that your application has not been accepted. At this stage we are looking to recruit more experienced flippers as we already have plenty of beginners who are still learning. I suggest you re-apply in a few months if you are still interested, all the best.

grantslays - Your application has not been accepted. It needs a little more information as currently it doesn't look like you are very interested in flipping/investing and just want some quick cash. That is not currently the kind of clan member we are looking for.

IroronoaZoro - We have decided to offer you a two week trial, during this time we will decide if you should remain a clan member or not. We will contact you in-game soon.

Sorry to everyone else, we will check your applications as soon as we can and reply to you, thanks for waiting.

01-Sep-2014 10:11:35



Posts: 262 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Why do you want to join our clan?
to get better at flipping
What are your current Runescape goals?
get lots of money
Do you flip regularly?
yea whenever im on
Do you follow the economy of Runescape regularly?
Do you like discussing prices and trends?
i dont talk about it much but if i could make money from it then yea i like talking about it
What are some recent investments of yours?*
runite bolts
torva full helm
maleovent energy
random stuff like that
What items do you flip regularly
bulk items
Have you ever merched during 2008-2011 trade-restricted ge merchanting era? If so, how long?
What about before free trade got removed on January 1st, 2008? If so, how long?
** you use Pc101/Flipchat1 to flip?
nope, i use flip help

08-Oct-2014 03:11:36



Posts: 33 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Hello Guys!

I started to merc* about 2 months ago when i first got back into RS. My friend, who has merched himself up to 750M helped me get started, showing me the ins and outs of flipping. Currently, I am up about 15M since the beginning of this month, and I am addicted. I am constantly checking my companion app and keep a list showing all of my past flips! I would like to gain more knowledge in the areas of investing and expand my list of good flips!

Why do you want to join our clan?

I want to learn to better predict the market as well as give others the information and intuition that I have gained over the past two months.

What are your current Runescape goals?

High level PVMing (need money for those skills!) and high level flipping.

Do you flip regularly?

I do flip multiple times every day. (avg. 20 flips)

Do you follow the economy of Runescape regularly?

I follow the overall economy, and like to see what runescape events cause market fluctuations.

Do you like discussing prices and trends?

I very much like discussing prices and trends of certain items that I merc*.

What are some recent investments of yours?*

SGS, Tass, Dry Long, Dry Mace, Dry Rapier, OHL, OHM, OHR, acs, subj. gown, etc..

What items do you flip regularly


Have you ever merched during 2008-2011 trade-restricted ge merchanting era? If so, how long?

No, I havent.

What about before free trade got removed on January 1st, 2008? If so, how long?

I have not.

Do you use Pc101/Flipchat1 to flip?

Nope. I constantly update current prices collaboratively with my friend.

20-Oct-2014 01:31:29

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