RSN: IronliteTime
Are you over 18 years of age: Yes, 24
Timezone - US PST
Previous Clan -Clan Wars Ownage
Reason for leaving - Clan was dead, no one played anymore
How did you find out about us - RS Forum Search
Why do you want to join Iron Rogues - I read your thread and thought your clan was a good suit for my ironman playthrough
What are your favourite things to do on RS - I enjoy PvM, and the feeling of hitting those milestones. especially on ironman because it feels more wholesome reaching those goals without help from the GE or other players.
What are your current goals on RS - Gear upgrades and questing on ironman; maintaining my bonds on my main by pvming and through profitable skilling.
I've been an active player for almost 13 years now. My two main accounts that I play on are recent, as my old main was hacked and recently recovered. I believe in the grind and enjoy playing runescape whenever I have the time to.
20-Jul-2018 17:39:00