RSN: Iron Smogg
Are you over 18 years of age: Yes
Timezone - Central (U.S)
Previous Clan - N/A
Reason for leaving - N/A
How did you find out about us - Forums
Why do you want to join Iron Rogues - Looking for an Ironman clan specifically, to both enjoy meeting cool and friendly people while also fulfilling ironman activities
What are your favourite things to do on RS - Skillin and killin. I think i balance both pretty well. Slayer is probably my favorite skill. Not much of a fan of questing but I do what I need to. Also, enjoy some mini games from time to time. But looking forward to PvM with other ironmen.
What are your current goals on RS -Well I already have a maxed non-ironman account, so ideally I would like to max a hardcore ironman too if I can. Short term goals include, gaining access to prif, getting my first chaotic wep, which i am pretty close. and 99 slayer.
01-Feb-2018 23:27:28