Current Username: That_Ownage
Previous usernames: None
What is your member status (P2P/F2P)?: P2P
Have you read ALL the Kingdom Laws?: Yes
Did you leave a clan less than 7 days ago (if so, how many days)*: No
How did you find our POC clan?: Vexillum in Varrock Square
What is your Clan experience?*: Not much, Just resource collecting mainly
Did someone recruit you; and if so what was their username? I asked Capet to join, and he lead me to the forum page
* don't know if I'm supposed to put this on, But just incase:
* I will not cause harm to a fellow Citizen.
• I will obey orders from a ranking Citizen.
• I will attend official events when I am online.
• I will follow both Jagex Rules, and Kingdom Law.
05-Oct-2015 06:38:33