
~ Mafia City ~ T28

Quick find code: 93-94-552-64614513

Nov Member 2022


Posts: 1,255 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Runescape Name: Getsu Fumma
Previous Name's: Hero 188, Clyde Shadow, Sabin Renee, Lloyd Roido
Combat level: 198
Prayer level: 90
Herblore level: 57
Range level: 92
Magic level: 94
Do you have Ancient Magic: yes
What dungeoneering items do you have?: Law staff
Top non combat skill: WoodCutting
Level in that skill: 99
Will you respect other members?: Always
Will you attend events?: As much as possible
Why do you want to join?: Ive had a long history with Mafia familys in runescape i would like to see one that isnt dead.
If you were asked to join, by who?:
How often are you online?: At least once a day
What Time Zone are you in?: Central
Can you work with GMT times?: Ill try.
Will you bump thread?: Yep
Would you download Ventrilo?: Yep
What is The Omertà?: Upholding all secrets in the family, declaring my dying devotion to the don.
Do you Swear to The Omertà?: Always have.
Have you been in any other clans?: Yes
If yes, please list them all
Corleone - Was a don
Verona - During the Corleone crisis

21-May-2013 06:01:53

Oct Member 2005


Posts: 17,692 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Hey Getsu Fumma,

Please contact me ingame, if you cannot find me, contact
u ded pray
to talk about joining Mafia City . He will let you know about how to join, and if you are eligible to join.
Don Mattywarrior
Mafia City

21-May-2013 21:45:03

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