Your RSN:
Other commonly used RSN's (if applicable): Alexandre
CMB Level:
Total Level:
2626 iirc
Total XP:
940m or sumin close
Any familiar faces in the clan?:
Got no fans
How did you hear about us?:
Sani spams my PM's 24/7
Previous clans:
Intercept, Sandstorm, Araxxiled... Few others i don't remember
What is your style of play? (PvM, PvP, Skill):
i PvP
What makes you want to join Sneze?:
i have a cold.
Your RSN:
Other commonly used RSN's (if applicable): Alexandre
CMB Level:
Total Level:
2626 iirc
Total XP:
940m or sumin close
Any familiar faces in the clan?:
Got no fans
How did you hear about us?:
Sani spams my PM's 24/7
Previous clans:
Intercept, Sandstorm, Araxxiled... Few others i don't remember
What is your style of play? (PvM, PvP, Skill):
i PvP
What makes you want to join Sneze?:
i have a cold.
:sweat_drops: Please join